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GREAT MARK-DOWN Green Ticket Sale Commencing Friday Morning, January 2nd, 1891, as A Happy New Year Offering and continue For Thirty Days. This Sale does not apply to one Thing butEverythiDg in our Establishment. Allyourequlreisthectish. Itwill doublé its value on every purchase you make at thie sa'.e. CLOAKS! The lime is ripe now for a Grand of the entire stock. Every garment marked down with the Green Ticket, some , some % off and some in Lots at 60 cents on the dollar We are jroing-to let them all slde. Silks and Dress Goods must go with the Green Ticket. 60 pieces black and eolored Dress Goods worth 25, 35 and 40 ets. all marked down tol9 cents a yard. 10 pieces 50 inch Black Mohair, 85 ets. quality, now 57 cents a yard. 1500 yards 10 cent Curtain Scrim now 'èVt cents a yard. 2 cases Snaker Flannel, during this sale 5cts. a yard. 500 yards plaid and check white goods now fi cents a yard. 25 dozen Ladies' Gray Ribbed Vests, worth 60 cents, now 25 cents. 15 dozen Ladies1 Long Sleeve Ribbed Vests now 1!) cents eaeh. Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets and Underwear all marked down with the Green Ticket. 3 All our I9.C0 810.00 and Í11.00 Robe te Dress Patterns nowï6.50 I Coiored and Plaid Dress Goods, black Dress Goods, Silk Warp Henriettas all 1 marked down with the Green Ticket. Thi8 will be a Great Sale. It euts S down our prices to one-half and will eut down oiir stock $12,000 worth. DURING THIS JANTTARY SALE Prices Will Move Anything The Stock will be ready at 8 o'clock Friday Morning. Always the Cheapest.
Schairer & Millen
Clothes - Retail
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus