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Illinois Legislature Organized

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Spp.ingfield, nis., Jan. &- The house, which is Democratie for the flrst time in wenty eight years, was called to order at loon yesterday by Secretary oí State Pearou. R. N. Ramsey, Democrat, was lected terrporary speaker, and a motion hat the Democratie caucus nominees be made teraporary officers of the heuse was arried. Clayton E. Crafts, Democrat; David Hunter, Republican, and Dr. H. H. Moore, AlUance, were nominated for permanent speaker. Crafos was elected by he foUewfng vote: Crafts. 77; Hunter, 73; Moore, 8. Tue Democratie caucus nominees were made permanent officers, and the ïouse adjouruud for the day. Organizatlon of the Senate. The senate,which isRepublicn by a maority of three, was called to oMer at noon y Lieutenant Governor Ray. The caucus nominees of the Republican senators for offices were by vote made the temperorary officers of the senate. Senator Matthews, iepublican, and Senator McDonald, Democrat, were placed in nomination for president pro tem. Senator Matthews being electsd by a vote of 27 to 24 for McDonald. A motion making the temporary officers erruanent was carried and the senate adourned. SlïINGFlELD, Hls., Jan. 9.- The senate yesterday added to the list of cominittees a World's fair committee. Bills were in troduced and referred- providing for the Australian ballot system; for uniform school text books; litniting the rate of interest; to pay liquor license money into county treasuries, and a number of others. The governor's message was then read. In the house nine notices of contests were flled, and a long wrangle ensued as to what should be done with them. They were finally refered to a special election committee. A resolution was adopted for ;he firt joint ballot for U. S. senator on Jan. 21. The joint session was then held to canvass the returns on state officers, and the work being completed, the house adjourned. Sfkingfield, Hls., Jan. 10.- Bills were introdueed in the state senate yesterday: To amend the act relating to the sale of lands for taxes; to niake the first Monday in September- Labor day- a legal holiday; a bilí taking the place of the present compulsory education law; to amend the act relating to the weighing of coal at mines; to provide that an American flagbe placed over every school building in the state; to compel every Corporation to pay its employés each week; to compel payment of all wages in money; providing that all text-books used in Illinois schools shall be uniform, and printed by contract. The school bilí concedes almost, if not quite, all that was asked by the enemies of the compulsory law. The senate adjourned to Monday evening. Elections Committee Appointed. In the house the speaker appointed the following elections committee: Green of Alexander, chairman; Dixon, of Lee; Laughliu, of Shelby; Springer, of Morgan; Parsons, of Gallatin; O'Donnell, of Cook; Dowdy, of Bond; Wilson, of Ogle; Merritt, of Sangamon; Prince, of Knox; Pad doek, of Kankakee; Callahan, of Crawford; Kirby, of Morgan; Berry, of Carroll, and Kellar, of Macon. The first nine members are Democrats, the last six Kepublicans. The governor's message was read, and after a little unimportant business the house adjourned to Monday evening. The legislature met Monday evening, but did nothing except hear the journals read, ex cept that Merriti asked to be excusedfrom serving on theel ections committee, as there was a contest against him. Jones of Sangamon was appointed in his place. The usual flood of bilis poured out ol the pockets of the solons Tuesday. One of the most important in the senate was Ramsey's school bill. It is a bilí to pre vent truancy and in view of the issue in the last campaign its most iuteresting provisión is the first seetion, which provides that all children must go to schoo at least sixteen weeks in the year to "some public or private school wherein is taught English, reading, writing, arith metic, history of the United States anc geography." The provisión íd the presen law that the instruction shall be in Eng lish, it will be seen, is left out so that the whole curriculum may be taught in any language. Bills were introduced in the house: Kor an insaue asylum for chronic patiünts, appropriating $3l)U,000; abolishing the divisious of the snpreme court, sotha the whole court shall travel all over the state; prohibiting railway companies from compelling their employés to join a com pany insurance society; providing tha carelessness of a fellow employé shall no bar injured men from ootainiug damage from a corporation; providing that th state shall print its own school books; tax ing all express companies 2 per cent. on gross receipts; protecting labor unión in their labels, trade marks, etc. ; for pun ishing people who ruake libellous state ments about other people to a reporter to assess a tax on mortgages (Taubeneck) a joint resolution instructing the senators from this state to vote fre coinage The Kepublicans refused to vote, and i was adopted by the Democrats and Alli anee men. Van Praag, of Chicago, intro duced a bill relieving saloonkeepers from liabiiity for selling liquor to drunkard unless they know them to be such. Tw other bilis were to punish bribery and t elect railway commissioners by popuia vote. The senate appointed a committee on joint rules, and reeeived sundry bilis. On of these was providing that eight hour shall constitute a day'a work.