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Carter's Little Liver Pills

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■ Blek Headacho and renovó all Üio troublag incident to a bilious etote of tho systom, bucIi aö DizzinesH, Nausea, Drowsinesa, Distres3 after eating. Pain ia the Sido, &c. While thoirmoafi remarcable succosa has boeu ehawa ia curing SÍCK Heaaaehe, yet Carter'a Littlo LIvot Pilis ara equally valuablo in Constipation, curing and praventing tliiaannoyingcomplaint,TvhiIo theyalsd cxirx'octalldisordoraofthostomachtimulatothe liver and regúlate the bowela. Evonif tucyoulj ' Acli e tliey wotild bo atoost prioolesg to those wna euierfrómthisdiBtressingcoinplaint; butfortu natoly theirgoodness does noteud here,and thosa Who ones try them-will flnd theoe little pilla valaablainsoniany wáyathatthey will not bo wililing to do without them. But af ter all siok licaJ ACHE iïs the tane of ao many livea tliat hore ia wbera WO make our great boast. Ourpiliscareitwhüa others do not. Cartero IJtüe Liver Pilla are very small and very easy to tako. One or tv.'o pilla inako a doBe. Tlioy arè Etrictiy vegetable and do not gripe or purgfi, but by tiicir gentle action pleaae all who Rnethcm. ïnvialaat 25 cents; üveforíl. Sold fcy draggists 6verywliere, er eont by :w.ïL CARTER KIËDIC1N5 CO„ New York. SMALLPILL. SUALL DOSE. SUALLPR16E