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Notlce to Credltors. QTATE;OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj ui Washtenaw, b. lotice is hereby ifivOu rïmt by au order of tbe Prohate Court for the Countv of Washtenaw, tnadeon the twenty-ninth jiiy of Docemer, A. D. 18ÍK', six inonths irotn that ii:ite were allowed for creditois to present their tLiinis agaiustthe estáte of Gcore Stockford, late of Ktiírl cbuutY,deceajd, and that all oreditora of said deceased aie required to present their flaims to uaid Probate Court, at ihe Probate Oíñeein thecifc' il Aun Arbor, for exaraination and allowance, On or before the twenty-iiintfa day of June uext, and Lhai fsuch claims wiU be heaid before aaid courj,, on Mouday, ihe tbirtieth day of Marcb, and on bfonday, the twenty-ninth day of June next, at ten o Vloek i u tne torpnuou of each of said days. Dattd. Aun Albor, Dcc. 29, A. D. 1890. ). WILLAKD I1ABBI1T, Judgeof Probate. DEALEK8 IN Hair Clippers, Brown & Sharp - ?3-5 Horse " " " " - 3.00 Cream Shaving Soap - - - .icv Horse Tails Strops, genuine - 35 and 85 Turkish Cosmetic - - .15 Water Hones - - ■ - 50 to 1.Q0 Germán Yellow Hones - - 50 to 2.50 Razors (Hammer Brand) - 1.25 and 1.50 Mug with Cream Soap - - - .25 MANN BROS., 39 S. Main Street, - Ann Avbor, Mich. FREDERICK KRAUSE. AUCTIONEER. Will attend to all salea on short notice at reasoDíiblo chai-fres. For further partiCHlarg. cal] at the Argus office. H. KITREDGE, No. 6 West Ann Strekt. LIVERY.HACK ASDBAGGAGE IINE, In the rear of Bdward Duffy's grocery store. Huok to all tratas, day and night. Orders for trains, parties, weddings and l'unemls promptlT attended to. Telephono, 108 Aud Arbor Mich. RllElrtGOLp BOCK BEER rp 5 VT. HURÓN ST. nÊ S H ftiS I If rapidiy and honofably, by tboso of ÏhS ï 4 II I D wnloc]Ufcí,wlienívrHu-ylive.Anjr BVB 0 I ■ mm B one can do llic work, Kasy to Icarn. Wc farnlfh evcrytlüup. We start you. No risk. Yon enn devote your spjirc momntl, or uil your timn to tbe work. Thïs Is an entireiy naw,anl biiiips wonder ful success to evory worker. Beeimien nre eanting f rom 23 to Í 50 parwek and upwurda, and mora aftera litlle expericnoe. Wc eau funiUh you the employment and teaoli you FltKK. No spnee tü explain herg. FuW lufürmatioa FltliK. TULE fe CO., ALUUSTA. MA1NKBOAST COFFEESt The finest grades and the best coffee for the money. It is freshly roasted, the roasting being done under our own supervisión. Rakinl powderS That will delight the hearts of house keepers who take prida in their tablesTeas, teas, mS Selected with care, excellent in quality the tea-drinkers delight. Crockery, Glassware, Groceries and House Turnishing Goods. EDWARD DUFFY A ROBBER OR THIEF Is better than the lying scale agent who teil you as gospel truth that the JONES' $60 5 TON WAGON SCALE is not a standard scale, and equal to any made. Por free book and price list, address iones oIBingliamtcn, Binghamton, H.Y. i