The Markets
UHICAGO, Jan. ia. The quotations on the board of trade to-day were as f ollows: Wheat- No. 2 January, opened 90c, closed 90Jc; May, opened and closed 96%c; July, opened 92c, closed 91Mc Corn- No. 2 January, opened 48Jc, closed 48c; February, opened and closed 49c; May, opened, 55%c, closed 52ác. Oats- No. 2 January, opened and closed 43%c; May, opened 46Vfc, closed 46!4c; June, opened 48%c, closed tóc Pork- Jauuary, opened $11). 30, closed $10.3% February, opened and closed 10.40; May, opened $10.80, closed $11.95. Lard- February, opened $5.85, closed $5.87)4 Live Stock- Following were the prices at the Union Stock yards: Hogs- Market opened moderately active but easy; prices 5@10clower; light grades, $3.25@3.50; rough packing, $3.30 3.40; mixed lots, $3.35@3.50; heavy packing and shipping lots, i3.45@3.60; pigs, s2.50@3.25. New Tork. New Tork. Jan. 13. Wheat- No. 2 red winter cash, $1.06@l,06); do January, S1.03J4; do May, $1.04%; do July, 984. Corn- No. 2 mixed cash, 61@62c; do January, 59J4c; do May, 59éc; do July, 59éc. Oats -Quiet and easy; No. 2 mixed cash, 51Hc; do May, 51%c. Bye and barley- Not quoted. Pork - Dull; mess, $11.00@12.00. Lard- Quiet; January, $6.15; February, $6.20. Live Stock; Cattle- Market steady, but no trading iu beeves; dressed beef, flrm; native sides, tiM@8c "pi lb. Sheep andLambs- Firmer; sheep, $4.00@5.75 $ 1U0 Si; lambs, $6.00@6.75. Hoga- Nominally steady; live hogs, $3.60@4.25 $ 1U0 lbs. Toledo. Tou;do, Jan. 13. Wheat- Steady and quiet; cash, SM9í@95?íc; May, 9914c; July, 91Lc; August, 9014c. Uom- Quiet; cash, 52c; May, 53c. Oats- Firm; cash, 45c bid; May, 47c bid. Clover seed- Easy; cash, 4.50; February, $4.55; March, $4.60. Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Jan. 13. Wheat- Quiet; No. 2 spring on track cash, 87@Wc; May, 90H905ác; No. 1 northern, 92c. Corn -Easy ; No. 3 on track, 48J4@49c. Oats- Dull; No. i white on track, 46@4UHc St. Louis. St. Louis, Jan. 13. Whoat-Higher: cash, 94Ha5c; May, 96%c; July, 8814c. Corn- Lower; cash, 48c; future higher; May, 49Tc; July, 51e. Oats- Firm; cash, 45c; May, 46éí46)4c. Pork- Dull; $10.37)4@10.VI. Lard- Dull; 810.62H. Whisky -Stidy-Sl.U.
Agricultural Markets
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus