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Mrs. Elizabeth Royer has gone to Florida. G. F. Gruber spent several days in Detroit this week. Hon. J. T. Jacobs returned from Washington, Wednesday. Deputy Railroad Commissioner Ransom is in town to-day. Rev. Fr. Goldrick, of Northfield, went to Howell, Wednesday. Mrs. James Nelson, of 25 East Hiscock street, is on the sick list. Rev. Fr. Fierle attended the lecture in Dexter Wednesday evening. Jackson A. Sweet, of Jackson, Mich., is very ill f rom typhoid fever. Rev. and Mrs. F. Volz, of EastSaginaw, are visiting Mrs. Sophie Spring. Dr. D. E. Osborne, located in Northern China, has been visiting friends here. Allen B. Pond, of Chicago, 111., is visiting at his father's, Justice E. B. Pond's. Mrs. E. J. Knowlton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wiil T. Whedon, in Boston, Mass. Postmaster Volney Chapin, of St. Johns, has been visiting his mother, Mrs. C. A. Chapin. Miss Hutchinson, of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting Mrs. William Morton, on her way home from Wisconsin. Harry HUI, of St. Paul, Minn., was in the city this week, after an absence of ten years. He was formerly manager of the opera house.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News