Settled At Last
Mr. Hayforke (reading The Weekly Welcome) - A Second Adventist out west provea conclusively by the Bible that the world will come to an end on the 23d of next month. Mrs. Hayforke (dropping her knitting)- Land sakesl Then what's the use o' me finishin' these stockings? Maybe it won't even be cold by that time. Iky, look in The Farmer's Almanao an' see what the weather is goin' to be. Iky (after a moment) - It's goin' to be moderate, mother; moderate an' fair. Mrs. Hayforke- Does the almanac stop onthe23d? Iky - No; it goes right on to the end o' the year. Mrs. Hayforke- Don't it say anything about th' world comin' to an end? Iky- Not a word. Mrs. Hayforke (resumlng her knitting}- The Bible is wrong.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus