Mrs. Geo. Watkins is on the sick list. Quite a number of the farmers are laying in a supply of ice to keep cool with next summer. T. Lamed has been sick but is better at this writing. Morris Larned arrived home from Copemish last Saturday. J. B. Laraway and family entertained invited guests on Tuesday. The youngestchildof Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagnor has been very sick but is some better. The question for debate at the Emery Debating Circle on Friday evening is: Resolved, that secret societies are a detriment to society. The funeral services of Miss Florence Burhance were held at the M. E. church last Sunday morning at half-past ten o'clock. The deceased was 14 years old. She had been sick about eight weeks, during which time she was a great sufferer. She was well liked and cherished by her many young friends. Mr.Everett Bird and wife met with quite a serious accident on last Friday evening, about onemile north of this place. An unknown man with a team and wagon collided with their carriage, upsetting horse and carriage in the ditch. Mr. and Mrs. Bird received a severe shaking up but otherwise not hurt. The carriage was slightly damaged. The man put the whip to his horses and left Mr. Bird and wife to piek themselves up the best way they could.