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A. Alber is clerking for the Two Sams. Alfred Hutzel is at home, but will return to the west in March. Ed. Hammel and family entertained a party at their pleasant home last week. Mr. O. L. Warner and wif e, assisted by Mr. Let Warner and wife, will entertain friends this Friday evening. Three masked "tramps" called on the people in the Mills district, Monday evening, demanding bread and eider. A party was given last Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sperry for their son Cone who is at home again. Mrs. David Stoll, who died suddenly at her home on Brown St., Sunday evening, was the mother of Mrs. Charles Mills. Probably the most exciting runaway that has oceurred since the street cars were in operation, happened a few days ago on Division street. While Charles Rose was delivering milk, his team became frightened at a passing car and dashed down the street. The wagon striking a tree was overturned and badly wrecked near the Presbyterian church. The horses were finally caught near the central depot, having sustained few injuries and fortunately no one was hurt.