WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. 1NSTRUCTIONS in pastel, cbarcoal, crayon and oi] painting by Mis J. H. Mowers, 25 Spring street. Examine work at liluke's. 1-ñ LOST- A 6hepher3 dog, white breast, brown legs and white stripe in torenend. He whs seen last at Fiifcmun's hall, Saturday, Jan. 1U. ieave at Fred lirauu's aud receive reward lutjis Hagen. LOST- On Dec. 22,orTMain St., a red wool blanket. Kinder please leave at John Burg's shoe store and reeeive rewurd. Theo. örace. , 98-22. CARMERS- I have refitted my saw mili r throughout with new and improved machinery and wül guarantee prompt and flrst elass work. F. M. Hallock. (8-22. ÜO FOU wairt a situat.ion in Chicag-o or the west ? Write the Employers' Associatien, Chicago, 111., stating what you can oo. A NN ARBOH NURSERY- Fruit and orna- mental trees. Peach and pear a epecialty. Grape vines, berry plante, etc. Prïoe law. Jaoot Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. FOR RENT- Two eommodious pleasant flats, with six rooms eaoh in New Block on State street. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. 6H - tf. PIANO TÜNER.-We have secured Mr. T C. Phelps, an expert piano tuner and repairer, to öo our piano work. He comes to us most nigrhly recommeniled. Any orders left tor hiui at our store will reeeive prompt and careful attention. Allmendinger Piano and Organ Co. AS it is quite an object forme tooeate near the Unirersity, 1 offer to exchane"e fora house in the city of Ann Arbor, a fine house and lot in the htistlng city of Battle Creek. centrally aud nicely located (No. 199 Jefferson stpeet), on sireet care liue, and within two tninutes' walk of two depots, and live minutes walk of Main streei, whloh bringsthe M. G. Drpot nrar at hand. The place is worth aljout S-,1 ijj . Will pay diCerenoe in cash. if nectösary . Tille perfect. Address or callón R. E. ltt-cvn. Pexter. Mich. THE JOUP.NAL OF SOCIETY. E. D. MAÏTN, Proprietor. Püblished (New York) Every Thcrsday. " Betii'een the Unes of raillcri and cunicism, to read great lexsons of Ufe. moraUty and Iwpe." The newsiest, brightest, wittiest, wisest, est., most original, aud most entertaining paper I ever published. A complete and perfect journal for cultivated men aml nomen, being a topical aud spoken critic and chronicle of the events, doings ■ interests, aud tastes of the fashionable world It ' is always up to date, and carries mth it the atmosphere of the metropolis. Inpurity and power of literary sijlc it has i no equal on this continent. 1 A veritable symposium of well-bred sátiro; deftness and daintiness of touch; strength, iDdependence and originality of thought; reftned humor; caustic coniment; piquancy of jest; sliort stories ; musical, dramatic, literary and art criticism. and topical sketches. The fame of its Financial Department, as the most reliable authority on flnancial subjects, investments and speculation. is world-wide. i lts interest is by no means local; being the recouized journal of American society, itiaequally entertaining in all partsof the country. For sale each week by all first-class newsdealers in America and Europe. Every newsdealer will keep and supply it if requested. Newsdcahr supplied by the American News Co., 39 Chambers Street, New York. and by all other news companies. Regular ubscrlptions may be sent direct to office of publication, or through any newsdealer orsubscription agency: One year.$4.00; six months, $2.50; three months, gl.30. Samples free. Address: TOWN TOPICS, 21 West 23d St., New York City, N.Tf. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, for the followinp First Class CompaDics, representing over twenty-feight Million Dollars Assets, issues policieg at the lowest ratea Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.0(1 Franklin of Phila 3,]]8,713,00 tíermaniaof N. Y 2,700,729.00 tíerman-American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance.liOnd'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774,506.00 Pbenix, N.Y 3,759,036.00 4VSpecisl nttention given to the insturuiee of dwellinga, schools, churcnes and public buUdinf i OMtcnni of three and flT Ta
Ann Arbor Nursery
Allmendinger Piano & Organ Company
Insurance - Fire
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mrs. J. H. Mowers
Fred Braun
Louis Hagen
John Burg
Theodore Grace
F. M. Hallock
T. C. Phelps
R. E. Reeve
E. D. Mann
Christian Mack
25 Spring St
18 S State St
199 Jefferson St Battle Creek