There were seven deaths in Chicago last ...
There were seven deaths in Chicago last year of people over ioo years of age, and there were 6,630 deaths of children under one year. Does this prove Chicago a healthy or unhealthy place in which to live? A Massachusetts democratie legislator has just told the legislature of that state that what the people expected of them was to "do business, get through and go home." That is just exactly what the people expect of the Michigan legislature. Gentlemen, make up your mind to "do business, get through and go home." Gen. Miles says that the evidence that the Sioux have sufïered from want of food "is beyond question and sufficient to satisfy any unprejudiced intelligent mind." There is something rotten in Denmark, then for the government appropriates enough to care for them. The In dian agents need a thorough over hauling. Returns have been received from about 300,000 votes on the question of admitting women as lay delégate in the General Conference of the Methodist church, of which a ma jority of 80,000 were in favor o their admission. Yet in spite o this fact their admission is stil vigorously opposed by many of the men who will be at the Genera Conference and on whose vote thei admission depends. The United States Supreme cour has just knocked out a meat inspec tion law of the state of Virginia The law provided that no fresh mea slaughtered more than a hundrec miles from the place of sale, shouk be offered for sale until inspectec by a meat inspector whose compen sation was fixed at a cent a pound The supreme court was of the opinión that the law was unconstitutiona! as interfering with inter state commerce. The late General Spinner was instrumental in introducing women clerks inthegovernmentdepartments at Washington. His wife and daughter taught him how well women could work and it was his influence with secretary Chase, which led to their employment in the treasury department in the early days of the war to trim legal tender notes. He maintained that in counting money anti detecting counterfeits, women were superior to men.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus