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Commissioners' Notice. iQTATh. OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF OWashtenaw. The undersigned having beennppointed by the Probate Court fur said County, Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of al] persons asiainst the estáte of Charles Thayer iate of said County, dtccased, herehy give notice that six tnouths from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims utramst the estáte of saul deceased. and that they will meet at the cffici, of Elihu B. Pond in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County, on Mondar, thé thlrteenth dav oi April, and on Monday the' thirteeuth day ot July next, at ten o'clock Á. M. of each of said i'.ays, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, January, j-jth, 1S91. ELIHU B. POND. LEOiNHAHU GRUNER f'ominissioners. Estáte ot Anna B. Frieze. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, UOUJSTTÏ KJol At a sí-bsíoii of the Probate Court for the county of ashtenaw. holden at tliProbate Ofüce, in the oily ot Ann Arbor, ■ Wednesday the Slat day of January in the yeai onethoumud eight huudred aüd ninety-one. Present, J. Willard Bubbitt. Judgenf Pr. bate. In the matter ot' the estáte of Anna B. Frieze, deceased. Onreadingand filing the petition, dulv verified, of Carrie J. Fikzi prayinj; that administratiou oi said estáte may be granted to James B. ALgell or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mon lay, tbe IGth day of February Dext, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon De assttrued for the hearing f said peütiou and that the heirs-at-law ol said tleceased, and all other persons intereste-l in said estáte, are nquired to appear ar a sesüiou of aairl court, then to be holden at. the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbir, and show cause, it any there be. why the prnyer of the peütionT should not be granted: And it is furtner ordereu that said petitionei give notice to the persons interested in said estáte oi the pendenc oí' said putition and the hearing tbereof. by oaamn a copy of thiti oider to be pnblished in the Ass Abbok ARGUs.anewspaper printed and cnculated in said connty thiee uccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WXLLARÜ BABB1TT, A truecopy) Judgeol erobate William G.Dotv, Probate Reirisier. FOK KE.NT.-Severalfirst-class houscs. Cali on J. K. BACH, IB H uron Street 6-15 [NSUKE your propeity with JAS. K. BACH, 16 Huron Btreet Only flrst-claB companpanies represented. 5-15 Annual mark-down sale at Randall's will continue througb January. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE OLD WASETEIiW MOTD&L PIRE INSURANCE CO , The Charter of Whieh Expired December 31st, 1889. For the Year Ending December 31st, 1890. 1. Ni mber of Members Dec. 31, 1S89, 3,413 2. Capital Stook at Expiration of Charter $4,803,775 LIABILITIES, DECLMBER 81, 1S99. 1. For liorrowed Jïoney t') Pay I.osses l'rom Stpt.Ist. to Dcc. olst. 188'.) $ 5,250 00 2. Fop 1,'npuid Losscs 50.1)1 3Total 5,300!(ï INCOA5E. 1. Froin Assessment of 189 $ 28.36 2. " Cai.celed Insurance not Transfered 39 49 3. " Assessment of 890,(Hate $1.40 per 1,0001 6,470.52 +■ Total 6,538.37 5. Add Cash Bal. of Dec. 31st, 1889... 194,84 6. Total Eeceipts and Incorne.. 6,733.21 EXPENDITCRES. 1. To Cash Paid Board of Auditors $ 14.80 2. " " Paid Notes Borrowed Money 5,250.00 3. " Cash Paid Interest on Borrowed Money 358.4o 4. " Cash Paid New Insurance Co. . 35.00 8. " " " Sec'y Bal. of Salary 50. 00 6. " " " FlreLosses 50.91 7. " " " Incidental expenses. 99 50 8. " " -Office Kent 53 00 9. " " " Pqstage, etc 30 30 10. " ' " Printing and Stationary 8 71 1. " Cash Paid Retuuded Ass'm'ta. 12.S4 12. " " " : Collectors, Coiumissions and Expenses 45.91 8. Total Expendituree 6.009.37 4. loaned to New Company... 600,00 15. Cash Bal. ;on hand 123.84 Balance Down 6,733.21 I do hereby certify that the above is a correct and true statement of alltheReeipts, and Disbursements, of the former Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Compar y for the yearending Decembor31st, 1890. And the true flnancial condition of said Company on said date WM.K. CHILDS. Secretary and Receiver. Sworn and subscribed to bef ore me this fifth day of January, 1M)1 mw GEORGE H. POND, Notary Public. MILLINERY. I sliiuld likeito announce to the Indios of Ann Arbor and vicinity, tbat I have for the season ow at hand the largest stock and best assortment of hata In the latest New York styleain Feit, Plush, Vel vet and Beaver of all shade: AlsoSillt, iPlush, Velvet nd Woo!en Bonnets or Children and Lodics- Tips, Birds, Winst n fact the moet complete and finest line of Milllnery in the city, nd at the lowcst prices olicitinff yonr patronage," Respeetfnlljr, MRS. ANTON OTTO. j No.l4thSt. I