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tstate of Chauncey Hatch Millen OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COtLNTY kjol ii. shtenaw, ss Ata bession of the Probate Cour! tur the County ot Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otfi. o in the citol Ann Arbor.on Weinesday the 21st day ot Janu.iry, in the year one thousand tigiit hundren and uinety-one Present. J. Williird Babtiiu.Judge of' Probate In thcsmaitcroliiije estáte ol Chauncey Hatch Milieu, deceased. On readmjr tind filinsr the petiüon, duly veriBed, ol Charles Steward .Millen, prayiug thnt a certain instrument now on file ín this court purport mg t. th last will and testament of 8 -id iieoasfcd. may be admitted to probate and tha t udmmi.-uri.tion of said estnte mv be granted to hinkelt us cxtcutor or to some otter suitable per sou. Thereupon !t is ordered that Monday, the 16th dav of Feliruary, ne.t, at ten o'clock in the foienoon, .issigued lor the hearing of xaid petiiion aiu that the devisees, legatees, and heirs at law of said dtceased ud all oibcr prisons interested in said estáte are reqnired to appear ai i seasion of said court, then to ba holden at the Probóte Office in the city of Ann Arbur. and ahow cause, if any there bt, why tlie prayer ol'ilic petitionernhould not be granted Aud it is further ordered thut said petitioner givè notice to the peranns inteiested esiateof the pendencj ol said petjtlon and the hearing thereof by causing óopy ol this order to be puhlished in theAKNARBOK Aiuicsa newspaper printed and firculati'd in snid county three suecessive weeks pievioua to said i!ay of hearing. J. WILLABD BABBITT, _}A truecopy.) Judge of frobate. W. G.Dotv, Probate Ueiisier. POK SAI.E.-A newrailchcoiT. Cali at _a-1 W. W. Boyle's. Webster TEAFTS (.n all Europcan parts for sale by "-'6 JAS. K. BaCH, 16 Huion street. rpiCKETS ior the Anchor Line of Ofean A eteamorg for cale by JAS. K. BACH, 16 Huron Btreet. (-JJ ■pAH'nj-S Imvinp property for eale should r leave the same at UACH'S tíeal Estáte Agenuy, 16 H ui-n street. 5-15 Eet fe lockt kk Riady GREAT MARK-DOWN Green Ticket Sale Commencing Friday Morning, January 2nd, 1S91, as A Happy New Year Offering and continue For Thirty Days. This Sale does not apply to one Thing in our Establishment. Allyourequircisthecash. Itwill doublé its value on evcry purchase you make at this sale. CLOAKS! The time is ripe now fer a Grand Clearing of tbe entire stock. Every garment marked down with the; Green Ticket, %, some K off and some in Lots at 50 cents on tbe dollar We are going-to Ie; them all slde. Silks nnd Dress Cocds mustgo with the Green Ticket. PO pieces black and colo'-cd DrtssGoods worth 25, 35 and 40 ets. all marked down to 19 cents a yard 10 pieces 50 inch Black Mohair, 85 ets. quality, now 57 cents a yard. 1500 yards S10 cent Curtain Scrim now Si-scentsa yard. 2 cases Sbaker Flonnel, during this sale 5 ets. a yard. 500 yards plaid and check white goods now 6 cents a yard. 25 dozen Ladies' Gray RibbedVests, worth 50 cents, now 25 cents. 15 dozen Ladies' Long Sleere Ribbed Vests now 19 cents each. Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets andUnderwear all marked down with the Green Ticket. All our Í10.CO and Ï11.00 Robe Dress Patterns now $6.50 Coiored and Plaid Dress Goods, black Dress Goods, Silk Warp Henriettas all marked down with the Green Ticket. This wiil be a Great Sale. It cuts down our prices to one-half and will cut down our stock Ï12.000 worth. DTJRING THIS JANTJART SALE Prices Will [Move Anything The Stock will be ready at 8 o'clock Friday Morning. Always the Cheapest.