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Notice to Creditors. SÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY i!.-l Washtenuw. t.s. Notlce Is hereby uiven, IliHtby au order of tlie Proliate Court for the Ooiinty of Washten-aw. (made on the ?otrt ilay of 'Dfci'iiiber, A. D la90, six inonths from that ■ 1 . i were nllowed for creditors to present their ilaims aicaiost the estáte ol John Gadd, late i nf gitiA county, deceased, and that all credltorsof said (l.'ceased'are required to present theirclaimsto H t'robate fjourt, at the Probute Office inthecity nt A)n Artor, for cxaniiuatiOD and allowanee, mi r,r hetiire the 2!itli day of Jtne, next, and i ! bat Kuch claims will bc heai d before siiid Court on l.oi:d;u, ti.e 8 th day ot Mitrch and on i Mondy, the 291I1 !ay of June, next, at ten in the Ton noon ofeaoh olaaid days. ih,tcó, Aun Arhor, December 2gth. A. D. 1890. J. W1LLAKD BAISBITT, Jiidge oí Probaue. DEALERS IN Mair Clippers, lirown & Sharp - Í3-SO Hor.-e '' " '? ' . 3.0a ("tenm Shaving Soap - - - .10 1 lome Tails Strops, genuin'e - 35 and 85 Turkish Cosmetic - - .15 Water Hnnes - - 50 to l.Oo Germán Yeliow Hones - - 50 to 2.50 Razors (Hammer Brand) ■ 1.25 and 1.50 Muy witli Cream Soap - - - .25 MANN BROS., 39 S. Main Street, - Ann Arlior, Mich. FREDEKJÏCK KRAUSE. AUCT1ONEER. vill attend to al] soles on short netiee at I reasouable charges. For furtlicr particulars j cali at the AkgusoIBco. ö- KITREDGE, So. 6 West Ann Street. uniijuctimusGiGEinE, lti the rear of Edward Duff3''s grocery store. Hck to all trains, day and night. Orders for trnins, parties, weddingrs and funesal iiroinptly attended to. Telephone, 108 Ann, Arhor Mieh. H4eíNgoip BOCK BEER AT 5 W. HURÓN ST. TRUCK STflBABE.' Now we are ready with a NEWBRICKST0REHOU8E for tho storare of household goods, pianos, books, stoves.etp. Movirig-othouseheldííoods and pianos carefully dono. All kinds of heavy andlightdruying. Freight work. C. E. GODFREV, Eesidence and office 46 Fourth Avenue NorthF"Telephone 82._áEJ SCVEN -- StVEHTEIW sevEN To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Conetipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, taka the saie and certain remedy, SMITHS BILE BEANS tTse the SMiH, Size (401ittleBeanstothe bottle). THEY A.RE THE MOST CONVENIENT. S-it.-llo lor tvll Ages. Prlce of eitlicr slze, 25c. per Itottle. IflCCIilO'T 17 tTvphötooravure KINXIM 11 AT '""" PANEL SIZE. ■ I W ■ la W Malled ror ets. (ceppers or stanips). J.F.SMlTH&C0.Muiscr3or"mLEBEANS,-ST.I.0UIS MO. K i] flffi B M Hoon flfcnn Imrnrucd ftt our NF.Y linoofwork, RÜw 5 l F S 6L. W ':lI"n-v nild honorablr, bjf ttiosu of lïf 1 1 H I Ï3 H B owiiloo'alitics"vlicrerllieylIve.Aii7 IV 1 L' lik I 0H0 MO do Ui" wolk. li'.v to l-nrii. We fernlBh evorythlng. We stuit vou. No risL. Vou enn düvot your Bpara inoinetim, or nll your time to the work. 't hi lti on cntirely 11BW lQod,and liiings wondeiftil succau toevery worltcr. Beginnen re earntujt (Yom ÍÜ5 to #50 pet frk and upwarua, and more lifter il IJ tito cxncricnce. Wo enn furnllt jou the cmploymentand tuueh vou KURK. No Bpneoto cxplniu liflro. Fo (iifóiinatUm ritKli. TKUE fc CU., ilUUSTA, UA1ÜH. $500 REWARD Will be paid to the agent of any scale company who will sa. y over bis own name as agent, that the Jonks ë TON WAGON SCALE, $60, U not .tqual to any made, and a standard reliable scale. For particular! xddrcss only Jones of Bingbamton, BinghamtoD, N.ï.