Miss Edith Seyler is visiting in Detroit. J. E. Beal has been in Port Huron, this week. Sam Langsdorf returnecf Tuesday from St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beal will take a trip to the Bermudas. Gilbert S. Pitkin returned to Petrolia, Ontario, yesterday. Miss.Minnie Hasbruck, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Moses Seabolt. A. L. Noble returned the first of the week from his Eastern trip. City attorney Kearney returned Tuesday from a trip to Lansing. Miss Ada Hasbruck, of Marshall is visiting her sister, Mrs. Moses Seabolt. Miss Emma Kemper gave a progressive euchre party, Tuesday evening. Dr. D. A. MacLachlan was confined to his house yesterday by illness. Miss Mattie Chamberlain, of Flat Rock, is visiting with Mrs. M. M. Green. Henry McKay, who has been visiting Charles Hill, has returned to Oxford. Mrs. Dr. Hartley is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Killelea, in Milwaukee, Wis. John Russell, of Port Huron, is spending a few days with Chas. F. Dietas, Jr. Mrs. A. G. AValker, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. N. Brown, in South Bend, Indiana. Prosecuting Attorney James Clancy, of Delta county, is visiting his mother here. John J. Ferguson and wife, of Summit street, entertained a number of their friends Wednesday evening. Mark Chamberlin the junior law student from Neb., who has been ill a number of weeks is recovering slowly. Profs. M. E. Cooley and W. H. Dorrance, J. E. Beal, C. B. Davison, Joseph Clark and W. R. Price attended the instaliation of Oriental lodge F. and A. M. in Detroit, Tuesday night.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Edith Seyler
J. E. Beal
Sam Langsdorf
Mrs. J. E. Beal
George S. Pitkin
Minnie Hasbruck
A. L. Noble
Ada Hasbruck
Emma Kemper
Dr. D. A. MacLachlan
Mattie Chamberlain
Henry McKay
John Russell
James Clancy
John J. Ferguson
Mark Chamberlin
M. E. Cooley
Dr. W. H. Dorrance
C. B. Davison
Dr. Joseph Clark
W. R. Price