Council Proceedings
LOïTICIAI,.] Council Chambeb, Jan. 18, 1891. Regular meeting. Roll cali. Present - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett - n. Absent - Aid. Herz and Spafford. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by 21 citizens asking that Washtenaw county be not granted permission to erect frame sheds on the ground leased for a stone yard, and protesting against having the stone yard on this corner. Received and referred to the fire committee. A petition signed by W. G. Dieterle, N. Sutherland, E. G. Mann, George Halier, John M. Reinhardt and 12 others, asking that an electric light be located at the corner of Fifth avenue and Packard street. Received and referred to the lighting committee. To the Conimon Council: I have examined the claim of Eliza Collar for injuries sustained in ing on a defective plank crosswalk, and am of the opinión that under the statute and decisions of our supreme court the. city is not liable. Respectfully, Thos. D. Kearney, City Attorney. Received and placed on file. Aid. Miller: Resolved, that when we do adjourn we adjourn until next Monday night, at eight o'clock, Jan. 26, 1891. Carried. Council then adjourned.