pnpp meloen xi. w i IT.A p lp" V f ij JSj timckccper. Warmnted hevr, É8raHjPrV.llis""D onLD himtini Cse8. BtTnlB jBoth l.dc.'.ndge,,i' íúf., W&l&Í88]l$jfflMy I"" V1UC' OKÏPKHSONi VentS&mÜfjilijËyf'" loclity cn ccun one l.raBHHaWafree, togcther wilh our lar(re lllCrrnlúbUImtofnouH'liold mANTESI"ihe wat(.ï, „, AU tho work yon Dd do il to ihow wlit we tend jou to thoje who cali- Jour fnend and neiphborsand thoc about jou- tfaatslways rault in lus hl e trad for ua, wbicfa holda for jeara wheo once atarted, and thus w ar repaid. We paj 11 xprM, frelght, etc. After jou know all if vou would llke to go to work for ua. jou can aam trom O to 6O per wtik and upwardi.A dilrrta, M, ....,,, A o., Box 81 . IortInO, Muino.
Stinson & Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Portland Maine