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One case of diphtheria in the village. Milanites are still harvesting ice in this vicinity. A party of Ypsilantians visited Milan Saturday. R. Ostrander and wife entertained guests over Sunday. Rev. Jay Huntington is out of town for a few days. Wm. Whaley visited Lansing on business Wednesday. The Presbyterians still continue their revival meetings. Miss May Taylor, of Bay City, is visiting Milan relatives. Mrs. O. A. Kelley returned from her Detroit visit Friday. L. Blinn returned from Ann Arbor the last of the week. Farmers are marketing their wood during the good wheeling. H. Knight visited Detroit on business the last of the week. Ransom Rouse and wife are visiting their father, J. C. Rouse. L. Ayers is buying eggs in Milan and vicinity for Ypsilanti parties. Mrs.Wm. Dunning is entertaining guests from the Northern part of the state. Fuller Dexter and wife are entertaining friends from near Detroit this week. Mrs. J. Dexter's youngest daughter is very ill with inflammation of the Iungs. L. A. Wilcox has purchased the west half of Dr. Hitchcocks farm near Milan. H. Stringer and wife, of Inkster, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Whitmarsh this week. The Excelsior Renovating Co. are making old feather beds new, in Milan and vicinity. Several of the Milanites talk of taking in the Shakespeare readings at Ann Arbor this week. The M. E. social at Mrs. Wm. Whaley's last Wednesday was a success. Net proceeds, $6.00. Ada Zimmerman has returned home from the University hospital, much improved in every way. The Milan school is full this winter, and there are a large number of foreign pupils attend the school. Thurlow Blackmer and wife, of Montpelier, Ohio, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blackmer last week. The ladies of the Rebekah Lodge gave a public tea social, Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Whaley. Afternoon prayer meetings are held at 4 p. m. every day in the lecture room of the M. E. church for the young converts. Rev. Mr. Stone, of Richmond, Ind., preached interesting sermons at the Baptist church, Sunday, both morning and evening. The Y. P. S. C. E., of the Baptist church, had a very interesting meeting, Sunday evening. The leader was Miss Della Holcomb. A large class of new converts united on probation with the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning. Revival meeting will be continued through this week and perhaps longer. At the last meeting of the Helpng Hand society of the Presbyterian church the following officers were elected: President, A. B. Smith; vice -president, Mrs. Lucy Clark; ecretary, Miss Lucile Ward; treasurer, Miss Elsa Springer; organist, tfrs. L. Reynolds; chorister, C. H. lobison.