Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine
ífiOnO.OO a yoav íb beïnfr mndr by John K Goodwiii,'! roy.N.Y.,.,1 uoik f.-r u's. KeaIr, i yon tuny not malte us ínmh.l.ut we can Iteach yoiiquickly liow tooctrn l'rom 9ó to flüuluy ut tiiusinrt, and tfipn as yon go I on. Both M-xen, all pío. in nnv part of ■ Araerica, you cwti coinniKiur t lióme, pivYng all yuur tlme.or imre momvnts otily to '. tliu wmk. All Ii iicw. Greut pny 81'UKfor evary workcr. We itart you, furniehfng everythinK. EA8ILY, SPEEDILY learnerf. rAKTICULABS FltEE. AddreBi at once.
Stinson & Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Portland Maine