Illinois Legislature

Springfield, Hls., Jan. 22.- The two houses oí the legislature met in joint convention yesterday and took the first vote for senator. McDonald nominated Palmer and Fuller performed that office for Oglesby. . The vote was the same as in the separate houses- Palmer, 101; Oglesby, l'X); Streeter, 3. Tw omore ballots were taken with the same result, and the joint eonvention adjourned. How long this thing will be kept up no one can predict. Little business was doue in the senate, the most important beiug the reception of the resolution adopted by the house favoriug the election of United States senator by the popular vote. In the house Merritt introduced a bilí anieuding uineteen sections of the revenue law, one provisión of which makes taxes payable in two installments. Geher introduced a bilí prohibiting unions among contractors to ref use to compete with eacjn utlier. A resolution to investígate the coniluctof the Anna Insane asylum was introduced. Brtitulity to the inmates is charged Springfield, Hls., Jan. 23.- There was another hallot tuken in joint legislativa session for United States senator yesterday with the saine resnlt as those previously taken. The Democi-ats wanted to take another, but the Alliance men voted with the Republicans and adjourned the session. The Republicans cheered enthus iastically, but the incident probably amounts to nothing as indicating in any way the intentions of the Alliance men. Sl'lilNCFlELD, 111., Jan. 23.- In the senate jesterday bilis were introduced: Prohibiting lile insurance agente from giving policies to persons who solicit business for tliem unless such persous pay premiums like others; to require life insurance agents to take out licenses. In the house: Prohibiting any public officer or legislator from accepting railway passes; requiring bogas butter and cheese to be dyed a distinctive color; requiring railways to provide automiitic brakes on freight cara beforeJunel, 18Ü8; inclading all boilers under the boiler inspection laws. Springfield, Hls., Jan. 24.- The senate yesterday did no business of general interest. Bills in the house: To elect county jailors by the people; to provide for fees for appointed attorneys in criminal cases; to establish a state board of arbitration compelling the parties to strikes to submit their case thereto and to accept the decisión - the board is made a judicial tribunal, and it is provided ttiat two weeks' notice must be given by employers before discharging any one; to prohibit the carrying of deadly weapons. Springfield, Hls., Jan. 26.- The Republicans of the house filibustered Saturday, and prevented the auti-"force" bill resolution from coming to action. A set of resolutions, beautifully engrossed, was recorded from the Missouri legislature encouraging the Democrats in their fight for Palmer. A communicution was received from the governor and Mrs. Fifer inviting metnbers to the first legislativo reception at the executive mansión on Wednesday evening. In the senate a bill was introduced providing for a state board to control the state ex.iibit at the World's fair. It provides that five of the twenty-one members shall be women. A bill was inI troduced appropriating $300,000 for the enlargement of the Kankakee insane asylum, and another plucing the stock yards under control of the railway commissioners. Springfield, Hls., Jan. 27.- There was a full attendance on the joint session of the legislatura yesterday, even Adams being in his seat. The monotony of voting ■ for a United States senator was promptly begun and for nine successive votes the figures were - Palmer, 101; Oglesby, 100; Streeter, 3. Spkingfield, Hls., Jan. 27. - Bill were introduced in the senate yesrerday: To reduce stock yard charges 40 per cent.; the revenue commission's revenue bill of 1886; appropriating $400,000 for an insane hospital in the northwestern part of the state; to repeal the Merritt conspiracy law. The house adopted resolutious setting apart Feb. 5 for the receiving of sugge.stions from county boards, etc, as to needful legislation, and requesting the secretary of state to inform the house fully as to the number, etc. , oL corporations in the state. A bill was introduced to prohibit the charge of au admission fee by any monument Rssociation, Springfield, Hls., Jan. 28.- The senate yesterday aliolished the rule requiring senators when present to vote on all questions. Bills were introduced: To fix rates for telephones; togive the balance of Dearborn park, Chicago, for tiie use of a public library to be built with the Soldiers' Memorial hall for which one-fourth of park has already been given; to change the name of the Illinois Reform school atPontiao to the Illinois State reformatory, and providiug for its government: appropriating $133 OOU for contingent expenses of the state inilitiu; to regúlate insurance companies. In the honsa bilis were introduced: To consolídate the supreme court at Springfield in continuous session; to díctate to Street railway companies what they shall charge for tickets for a number of rides; to permit doctors to sell medicines to others than their patients; an anti-IJinkerton bill, prohibiting owcers of property from employing private policemen to 1 guard the same; to repeal the statute ■ which limita damages against a railway for loss of life to $5,000; making a mortgage, etc, an interest in the property which secures its payment, and taxable; to reduce legislators' per dieni to $4, and cut other legislativo salaries 20 per cent. (Taubneck). A petition was received from tue K. of L. asking certian legislation for workingmen. The resolution instructing the senators for the state to vote against the "forcé" bill was adopted by a strict party vote the F. M. B. A. men not voting. In joint session six ballots were taken, resulting like all the others, the farmer members voting with the Republicans for adjournment. These members continue to assert that under no circumstances will they vote vor either Palmer or Oglesby.
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