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Dr. Fruth

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Of New York. the well known anfl snecossful Specialist In Clironic Diseases and Diseases of the Eye and Ear, by request of nutny friends and patk-ats, hus deoiüed to visit ANN AKBOK, THURSDAY, FEBRUARI 12th, 1891 Consultation and Examination free and contklential in hls parlors üt htL3::e cooz: sottsie, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Onedavoulv. =xdis. ID. o. f s TT rr ieh: ,= - OF THE PEOVIDE1TT MEDICAL ÜXSaPESK-TT, NEW YORK CITY, Ably asiisted by a full corps of competent physicians and surgeons, treais with unp-iralïc-Tcd micccss a' ZkroniCy JVrrvoust Skin and Btood distases of every nature upon the latei-t scienlihc principias. He parti ilarly invius a!l whose cases have been neglectcd, hadly treated or pronounced intuntble. J'atien s who ai ,omii wel 1 umi er the care of their own physicians need not cali on us, asour previ ree is to treat those wb aniiot fiiid relief cihcrwise. No money required oí responsiblc paities to commentc treatnciit. Common Sense as Applied to Medicine. Itiswel) known 1 y all intel'igcnt observa hat i: is irapossible for any person, no matter how highly endotvcd by nature or acquircments, to becomt horouhly conyersant with all the divisiens of the science of medicine. Nearly sll who h;;veob ained di inctiou in medicine have made some special department their life work, Leing fitted lherefov by natural ada] ion or selection, special education and experience. The doctrr tiaving devottd sevu.d years to thespecia tudy ot'chronic diseases in hospitals and general practice, and having the mest recent and improved instnj aents for finding out diseased conditions in the organs of the body, he proposes to devote the whole of hj mie to the practice of these speciahies. He adopts the following plan, which is peculiar to the large hospitaTs, and is not and never has been tïj ■ractice of country doctors, viz.: He carefully notes the symptoms cf the pauent, ascertains tlie conditionl he internal organs, examines the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat by the most recent and approved instrument ind methods, all of which he carefully records in his register for future roei ei. cc. Jn this way hc ascertaijl he truc nature of the disease and its cause. Knowing the disease, he knows the changes it produces in tR issues, and, knowing the changes, he checks them with specifie remedies, and places his patiënt rn the hia oad to recovery. When sick people consult him he readily tells them wheiher he can cure or help then,l f they are beyond hope. fc The examinations are in accordance with anatomical and physïcal science, as he will convince the ma keptical. By an examination he will convince anyone of the nature and exttnt of th amotitu of dang o lifc, and chance of a perfect cure. Believing that science is truih and "truth is mighty and wiil prevail wlicn known, and knowing that disease can be cured with posiüve certainty, he invites the afiïtctcd to es .11 J receive adv ice free and bc cured of their diseases. Thcre is no subject that requires so much study and experience as the treatment aud cure of chronic dij as'-i. The astonishin success and remarkable cures performed by him is due to a thorough kuowledge; hc structure and functions of the human system, and the cure of diseases by natural remedies. Let thoi ;iven up by others cali for examination. He has successfully treated the following diseases since his arriv; n this State: Eye and Ear diseases. Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Inflammationof the Womb, Chronic Inflan nation of the Bladder, Painful or Irregular Menstruation, Fever Sores and Ulccrs, locontinence of Urine, Tai SVorms, Crooked Limbsand Enlarged Joints, Spinal Curvatures, Club Foot, Hip Joint Disea( White Swel ng, Discharging Abscesses, Sterility or Barrenness, Nervousness and General Debihty, Impotency. Diseasesi he Kidneys and Bladder, Leucorrhea or Whites, Blotcbes, Pimples, Skin (Viseases, Dyspepsia, Constipatioi 3ropsy, Cáncer, Epileptic Fits, Erysipelas. Gravel, Goitre, Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Hydrocele, Heart Diseas Icadache, Files, Hysteria, Syphillis, St. Vitus Dance, Chronic Dysentery, Enlarged Tonsils, Fístula in An hernia or Rupture, Ovarían Tumors, Paralysis, Prolapsus Uteri, lronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Scroful -onsumption, Chronic Cough, Femalc Weakness, Spermatorrhoea, Rheumatism, etc. AU surgical operi ions performed, Curing: Of Pile guaranteed. Will gve ' Private Iiseases.-Blood Toisón, Sypï 'i,ooo for any case of failure. No money lequired illis, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Hydroccle, Varió f rcsponsible parties. cele, Loss of Sexual Power and all diseases of the gej L VouiiJï Meil who through ignorance or the ito-uiinary organs specdily and permancntly curei areless exuberance of youthful spirits, have been No r.sks incurred. Consultation free and strict} infortunate and find themselves in danger of jgsing confidential. Medicine &ent íree from observatíont hcirhealth and embittenng their after üvcs may eall all parts of the Uniied States. vith full confidenc . „. . ., _ __ , - T ! R.. FRITH-Üas attained the most . MMMlie Afffed Men, who find thf vonderful success in the treatment ot the cases to vigor and vitaliiy weakened by the traces of o] .rhich he devotes his special attention. Afteryearsof complaints and their bodies racked with pain at xpenence he has discovered the most infallible time when thcy should spend their declining yea, neihodofcurmg weakness in the back and limbs, in peace and comfort, should consult Dr. Fruth nvoluntary discharges, impotency, general debility, once and thc sympathy and relief you positivci icrvous.; ss, languor, confusión of ideas, palpita tion quire. His cures are thorough and permanent, ƒ f the heart, loss of nemory, trembhng and timidity Diseasc OÍ Women.-We shall coi Ideases of the nose, throat and lungs, afeions of tinue as hcrctüforei lo treat with üur best considen :he hver, stomach and bowels-those terrible tion and sklU the dlscases pechar towomen. 0 iersansing from the sohtary habns of youth and Operations for f vstnia. Ruptured Cervix Utcri, Rui .ecret practices, blihting the most radiant hopes and tured jcrineum. and for Stricture of the Cervic ;ende-nng marnage impossiblc. Canal, a conditinn resulting ín btenlity, have bee ípilepsy, or Fus, positivcly cured by a new alikc gratifyuig both to ourselves and our patients. ind never-failing method. Free KxamttiatiOIt Of tile Urine. Each person applying for medical treatment shon ;end or bring an ounce ot tb-ir urine, which will receive acareful chemical and microscopical examination. Ueinarkable Cure perfected in oíd cases which hAve been ntylect. dor unskillfully treate Ko expenments or failure. l'arties treated by mail and express, but whtfre iws-.iblc personal consultation Dr erred. Curable cases guaranteed. List of questions free Western Address, iáE. FRUTH, ( Toledo, Ohio. , P EFERENCES- We, the undersijrned, do cheerfully and consr ientiousry recotrmend Dr. Fruth as a ge ilm n í f rare professional abilitv, ripe in judgment, humane toa fauli, considérate ín pnce and enthusiastiol i felief of his fellow men, and we therefore urce the afflictcd to avail themselves of his superior skíU:-Gra rille M. Weeks, M. D., L. L. D. Prsident Providcnt Dispnsary, H. Y. . T. Mereth Maxwell, A. M., 3 D., N. Y., Orna Pomeroy, M. D., N. Y.; V. M. Davis, M. D., W. Y.;W E. Whue, ÏI. D., Tcronto, Caaad . S. Parker, A. M., M. L)., Toledo, O. Abo Ex-Goreroor Fo&ter's Bank, Fostona. Ühio. fi (