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Miss Amy Morse is in Battle Creek visiting relatives. Miss Olga Laubengayer, of Ann Arbor, is spending a few days with her cousihs, the Luicks. Christian Trinkle has inflammation of the Iungs, in connection with a broken leg, to contend with. J. Freer and wife, of Eaton Rapids, are visiting relatives this week. Mr. Freer was a former resident of Lima. A lyceum was organized last Friday night, and adjourned to meet Saturday evening to adopt by-laws and discuss the question, Resolved, That the country is more in need of temperance than tariff legislation. There were about sixty who attended the grange at W. H. Dancer's last Friday. They decided to have a social at W. E. Stocking's Friday evening, FebruaryĆ³th. Dinner was served by the new table plan. E. B. Freer, E. H. Nordman and Truman Baldwin was elected delegates to the W. C. F. A. for the year. A P. of I. meeting was held at the town hall last Thursday night, the union meeting was held Saturday evening with a largeattendance. The question debated and by former republicans, was, Resolved, That the McKinley bill is a benefit to the farmer. One republican said if it was, a large majority of the farmers were fools, which he did not believe was the case. They voted against it last November, and added, he believed they knew just what they wanted. The union was invited by J. Kalmbach to hold their next meeting at Sylvan Center. The invitation was accepted.