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WALLACE NOYES & CO,, DEALERS IN On and after Jan. 3ist, for the ncxt 60 days we slmllhaTe for t,ale at the Kittredge barn, in Ann Arbor, a seleeted 6tock of Y0U1TG HOUSES for Farm and (reneral purpose use. Satisfaction jruar.uuoed purchaser, or money rerunded. WALLACE NOYES & CO. pOIiSALE-A barg-ain. The desirable prop■ erty kiiown as "Oak View," Milleravenne Ann Arbor. nice ten roomed frame dwelling-, Dam, otlier out buildings, nearly new, best well water, soit water in the house, 6JL acres land. (rood assortment of fruit trees, seven minutes wa'k from court house, flne loeation Apply soon P.O. box UlXI, or on premisea. C. Qeo. Liddell, 7-11 m:ii-,ïitvefs,y. I sh uld liko to announre lo tbe lidies of Ann Arbor anrl v cini y, tbat I have for tho season nowathand the laeest slock and bcstaseortm ntofhatain the latest New York stvlesin Feit, Plush, Velrtt aod Beavcr of all shades AlsoSilk, Plush, Velvet and Woo'en Bonnets for Children ind Ldie- Tipa. Krs, Wing in fact ih= nnitt oom lete anl linesi line of Millinery in the cily, and at ih' lowcst prices Solicitinff yuur paionigi, Rc!.pctfnlly, MRS. ANTÓN OTTO, No. 19 4th St.