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Anotbeí spring will likely find Grand Rápida equipped witb six lmes of electric Street cars. The Michigan salt asscciation will cease to exist iu March, but a trust may be the outcome of its dissolution. The salt inen claim their product is sold at ruinously I low figures. The state fair will begin operations at Lansúig, Sept. 7. We make theannouncement this early that the big beets and portly pumpkins may have due and timely notice íor the contest, Mrs. C. M. Reid, a Detroit lady of 7 summers, may go west and grow up with the country. Sbehas a claim to $1,500,000 worth oí Chicago real estáte. A Mr.s. Todd was presented with an lieir at Hudson while en route ironi Chicago to Rochester on a Lake Shore railway train. Wheu a tramp desires the freedom oi the town ho visits he simply takes the pre caution of carrying a cake of soap in his vest pocket. The possession of sucli ü souvenir is positive evidcnce that lie's no tourist. Mrs. Julia E. Stewart was injured by a sassy Kalamazoo sidewalk, and she proposes to get even with the city by aiming a $10,000 law suit at the municipal treasury. Dr. Martin sued a Lakevier man $50,00C worth for the alienation of hisi wife's aft'ections, but the jury that tried the case, after heariug the stories of more'n 100 witnesses, cut the claim down to L(550. Kent couuty's agricultural society tal kt of putting f45,000 into fair ground buildings. Standish paople think that they can apprecíate some of the modern conveniencen and will proceed to put in an electric light plant and waterworks system. Monroe county's calaboose has no boarder and the new sheriff is just a trifle lonely. Manistique"s new $100,000 bias: furuace will be lighted before many .. oons. It will turn out 100 tons of pig i etal daily giving employment to eighty men. Michigan potato consumers have imported 72,286 bushels of Canadian tubers, paying a duty of 25 cents per bushei, ot tl,071.50 on the lot. Wm. Palmer, the Saginaw citizen charged with the mnrder of his brother, is hayiug his second trial. The jury disagreed as to his guilt or innocence on the first trial. A Kalamazoo man is the owner of an autograph copy of the poem, "America." It was obtained from Rev. S. T. Smith, the author, five years ago. James Butler, a regular boarder at the Jackson prison, eluded the guard and made ffood his escarje. Frank Oyer, a Springport sportsman, have3ted a wild cat recently. The "varmint" was an ugly-looking specimen, and weighed 38 pounds. 'Tis claimed that a Chicago house has contracted with a Bay City artist for 50, 000 pictures. Col. G. F. Foule, aFortBradysojourner, is the owner of a card receiver made from a shell fired at the Fort Sumpter bornbardment frota a rebel battery. Coldwater factories turned out about 4,000,000 cigars the past year. John Switzer, of Ovid, was driving along the highway one day when bis horse became frightened at a road engine own 1 by a neighbor and ran away, throwi. g John out upon the cold, lianl ear'uj. Switzer has since projected a $5,000 damage suit at the owner of the engine. A St. Ignace baggage smasher has handled trunks with unusual care since he carne near burning down the depot by bursting open a trunk containing matches and railroad spikes. Somebody evidently putup a job on that baggageman. Hartford has a citizen who's been flned $10 for engaging in the unchivalrous pastime of calling a neighboring lady uncomplimentary ñames. That rnan's early training was evidently neglected. Five years ago a Woodlaud man tucked a wad of gum in his nose where 'twould be handy for the next contest. A few days since the same quid was cut from a nostril by a doctor; 'Twas well preserved. Mecosta has a schoolma'am who's been arrested for punishing a pupil because she refused to wash her slate with snow. This is probably the first case on record where a child didn't jump with alacrity at the chance to play with the cold stuff. Morenci has a population of 1,500 souls without a colorea person among the number. In moving the occupants of the oíd Soo gravel jvard to a new cemetery, many of the bodies were found to be petrifled. The cofíins were saturated with lime water which did the business. Mrs. Mary Ellis, a Tuscola lady, has made a collection of 9,000 pieces of clotb, and if ber needle aud thread holds out she'll have a bed quilt some day. Four grandinothers live in adjoining houses at Arbela whose aggregate years number 332, and average age of 83 summers. Years ago Flint was presented with a strip of land for street purposes, which was afterward donated by the city to the F. and P. M. Railway company. Now that municipality must defend itself against a suit brought to recover the value of the land. Jasper Morley thought it was worth $10,000 to be put from a Chicago and West Michigan train, and submitted hi claim to a Grand Rapids jury. After looking Jasper and his injuries over quite carefully, the jury decided $10,000 was about the fair thing to all parties concerned. At the forty-third annual meeting of the grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Michigan, held the past week in Detroit, S. C. Randall, of Flint, was elected grand high priest, and W. P. Innes, of Grand Rapids, grand recorder. The wrecking of a hearse and coffin was an incident of a Red Jacket funeral procession, caused by the driver going over the edge of an embankment and landing the vebicle in the depths below. A 9-months'-old baby that weighs thirtyfive pounds is the boast of a family re siding in Milton township, Cass county. Saginaw has a preacher of sagacity and success. Recognizing the fact that a large class of city people seldom or never visit a church, this servant of the Lord holds forth at the Opera house, securing a splendid congregation. Da vis Bros., Jackson gardeners, dug 1,380 bushels of carrots from one acre of muck, unless they made a mistake in the count. Alabaster has a new piaster factory in prospect, backed by a capital stock of $400,000. The estimated annual capacity of the concern is 125,000 barrels. Villages of an ephemeral character are not confined to the far west. A collection of 100 shanties is located on the ice at the mouth of the Saginaw river, and 300 men anl boys are making a living catching flsh. Slimmer is the name of a Grass Lake raim who claims to have exchanged the product of ten hem; for Í242, and that, too, In (me season. There's nothina; particularly attenuated about Mr. Slimmer's hen storj'. A Leslie man recently unearthed a nest of flying sqiiirrels. Bay City draymen - some of 'em - persisted in doing business without a license, anc have golten themselves into the not overly tight coilsof municipal law. A Greenville couple had a little disagreement over a domestic matter, whereupon the wife iuformed the offlcers that her husband was a counterfeiter, and the liege lord was taken into custody. Newaygo barbers announce their capacity to enjoy a little rest, and to this end will keep their shops closed hereafter on Sunday.