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Cavanaugh lake has nine ice boats. Lent begins a week from to-morrow. Peter Reider has purchased a house in Dexter. They are talking of a play by local talent in Dexter. A carload of beans were shipped from Saline Friday. Rev. M. D. Mack, of Iron Creek, was given a donation last night. Fifteen carloads of ice per day are shipped from Silver lake to Ohio. M. Burkhart has purchased the house of C. L. Drake, in Saline, for l,OOO. The Chelsea schools have 359 pupils enrolled, of whoni37 are nonresident pupils. A new road is talked of on the section line west of the Vedder school house in Augusta. George Landwehr has purchased :he Rhoeam farm near Saline, from W. H. Davenport, at $53 per acre. Rev. Mr. Renshaw, pastor of the Baptist church in Manchester, was given a $30 donation last Tuesday. Rev. I. L. Case of Manchester, ectures this evening in that village, on Life Among the Southern Peoüle. Vinnie Witherill, of Southern Manchester, had his left leg broken about a week ago by a kick from a ïorse. Samuel Gale, of Rosalía, Washngton, who, with his brother, raised 1,000 bushels of grain this year, hs been visiting in Bridgewater. The Southern Washtenaw Mutual rire Insurance Company has 272 members, with L682,325 worth of )roperty insured. No assessment was made last year. The publisher of the Chelsea Standard offers to take the office of ounty clerk. A word in your ear, ïmmert, from one who knows what ie is talking about: "Don't." In the course of some remarks at he Brooklyn Institute, L. D. Wateins, of Manchester, said : For 21 years he had been in a position where it was necessary to make the financial standing of men a study, and it is a fact that in this región he agricultural class has had almost 11 the wealth and a good share of he brains. Hens don't pay, eh! Well that de)ends on what kind you keep and ïow you keep them. Mrs. J. B. ashier thinks they do pay, she havng sold $102.64 worth from 70 hens he past year. This is exclusive of 11 that were used in the family. If any of our farmer readers can show a better record, we would like to hear from them. - Saline Observer. News is received here of the death of two former residents of Manchester, who lived here from 1833 to 1843, David D. Sowles aged 83 and Abby A. Morgan, a sister, aged 76. They were brother and sister of Mrs. D. W. Morgan of this place. Both died of paralysis and were stricken with the disease within one week apart. Both resided at Milton, Wis. - Manchester Enterprise. The first snake story of the season comes from the Milán Leader: R H. Huil and G. W. Pence killed two spotted adders on Monday while cutting wood on C. W. Pul len's land. One of the reptile measured $}4 f eet and the other 6 feet in length. Both snakes were lively and showed fight; for this time of year this is considered a rathe remarkable occurrence. As both these gentlemen are sober, hones and truthful men, exchanges are re quested to believe this story withou comment. The following story is told of a very pretty young school marm in a public school not a thousand miles from Chelsea, who saw a mouse run across the class room floor one da; last week. "Scholars" she said "a mouse is in the room. Do no be frightened." The little girls all tightened their skirts around their legs, and the eyes of the little boys glistenedwithsuppressedexcitement "Don't anybody be afraid," said the yoüng school marm, but heavens just then the mouse dashed acros the floor toward her, and she made a frantic leap to the top of a bench The mouse shot out of the door, anc in time the trembling teacher de scended and taught school again. - Chelsea Herald. The Hamburg correspondent o: the South Lyon Picket writes. Ce cil Barker, the 18-year-old son o George Barker, of Covert, Mich. while visiting with relatives here met with a fatal accident Thursday morning which took his life instantly He was hunting in company with hi cousin, Geo. De Wolf, on the prem ises of Oscar Grisson. Everything went off smootbly until they cam across H. Hestier cuttingwood. Th boys thought they would give th old gentleman a hand. Geo. D Wolf laid his gun down and proceed ed to assist Mr. Hestier saw. Young Barker stood close behind, resting on his gun, which was muzzle up wards, and, thinking perhaps he would interfere with their sawing started to walk backwards, dragging the gun with muzzle in the direction of his head. During this movemen the gun was by some means dis charged, the ball taking effect di rectly under the chin and lodging somewhere in the head. Tne re mains were taken to Covert, Mich. for interment, accompanied by the father and sister and other near rel atives. Says the Saline Observer: - A joke which might have terminated more seriously, was played on our merchant tailor, J. G. Ehnis, and his brother, "Jake," Monday night. Both are somewhat of a superstitious nature and rather nervous temperament and several of our young men planned to take advantage of it in the following manner: George and his brother being of the industrious kind, work in the shop quite late evenings, often notgoing home until deven o'clock. This was the case Monday night and as they were ing the cemetery, chatting with each other in their usual way, lo and behold! a "ghost" emerged from the cemetery gate and silently moved toward them uttering, in Germán, admonitions of a blood-curdling nature. Many of a less superstitious nature would have been startled by the sudden appearance of such a sersonage, but these men were neary crazed with fright and with entreaties for mercy hurried to their ïome near by, where with due consideration we wiil draw the curtain upon the scène though it had not yet ended. The so-called joke was perpetrated by the boys in a purely mischievous spirit without thought of serious results, but in this case their "fun" was at the expense of a fellow man and his entire family,and might have resulted even more seriously.