mC Kk"-'" NEW fWfW SS&SIlíSSm IVl "keeper. Warranted beavy, VffSaËllfTV'ÉlltSli0UD OOLD tuntinc C-..H. Tst&ÊBSnPw.MmJ "h workI nd ■■ of ittfífl&ffíSífílJmír'ich locality can accure onn SaËËSP1"1 .alulble lin.of Hou.u.l.l nfiftAMTSanipIes. Thec lampltn, as wdl ■ M ,h, „„.!,, ,e freo. All the work you vd do ia to ihow what we end jou to those wbo cali- yyur 'ienda and neibbora and thoae about jou - that alwaj reaulta n valuabletndeforua, whlcb holda for yfari when once atarted, nd thua we are repaid. VVe pay all czpreaa, frtlht, etc. After oa know till, if you would like to go to work for ui. you cao tam from &T&O to 94SO per week and upwardi.rAddreaa( tinaón Ji Co.. Box 81 S. Portland, M. ainc.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Portland Maine