Council Proceedings
LOFFICIAI,.] Codncil Chamber, Feb. 2, 1891. Regular meeting. Called to orde by Pres. Howlett. Roll cali. Present - Aid. Dieterle, Mann Martin, Herz,Snow,Walker,O'Mara Miller, Spafford, Taylor, A. F. Mar tin, Pres. Howlett. Absent- Aid. Hall. Minutes of previous meeting reac and approved. To the Common Council: Your committee on finance woulc report that they have had the follow ing bilis under consideration anc would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FUND. T. H. Electric Light Co., tights 871 li T. H. Electric Light Co. Liifhts 732 91 Wood & Son, Lumber 15 0. A. A.Mrgus. TrausitPermits 5 51 Geo. Miller & Son, Repairing Well 8 5( J.K. tiacu, salary 66 Jacob H. Stiirk, janitor 8 (X T. 13. Kearney, salary 25 0( W, W . v atts, 3 mo . salary 36 0C Martin Clark, 3 mo. salary 12 5( Tel. & Tel. Const Co 37 5( George Wahr, supplies 24 4C Wllliara Herz, supplies 3 5= 81,820 54 PÓLICE FUND. David Collins, salary 50 00 James Murray, salary 65 00 CJarenee Tice, salary 50 00 Chas. Sehultz, coal 25 60 $ 190 60 POOIt FUND. Torn Hapnon, wood 3 50 M. Hestian. sawing wood 18 20 Theo. Jackson, sawing wood 6 00 E. C. Lyke, wood 63 00 J. Volland, wood _ 2 75 W. E. Boyden, wood 45 50 J.Kapp, sawing wood _ 2 40 Doty & Feiner, poor orders 3 00 Ed. Duffy, poor orders 8 54 L. Gruner, poor orders 2 00 J. Goetz & Son, poor orders 9 36 W. F. Lodholz, poor orders 16 57 W. H. Mclntyre, poor orders 5 72 C. Kinsey, poor orders 7 19 Kinsey & Seabolt, poor orders 5 43 C. Sehultz. orders 3 10 Warner& Son. poor orders 2 63 Mrs. Evans, poor aid 6 00 Miss Shaw, poor aid 3 00 $ 210 89 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND. Fifth Ward Engine Co., salary $ 100 00 Henry Marsh, salary 10 00 John Hall. salary 10 00 Wm. Hatto, salary 10 00 Geo. Johnson, saUry 10 00 James Judson, salary 10 00 Hiohard Judson, salary 10 00 A. F. Martin, salary 10 00 Wm. Cleaver, salary 10 00 Claud Gage, salary 10 00 Wm. Biggs, salary _ io 00 John Moore, supplies 2 50 Hutzel & Co., supplies 8 03 Mrs. Heam. wasbing 4 00 Geo. Jedele, hay 9 on M.P, Vogel, tallow 15 John Ross, supplies 4 31 Fred Sipley, salary ."" 60 00 William Carroll. salary 40 00 GA.Edwards, salary 40 00 L.Hoelzle, salary 40 00 H. McLaren, salary 40 00 F. Campion. salary. 40 qo Samuel McLaren, salary 8 00 Herman Kim, salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary 8 00 Hobert Koss, salary. 8 00 Victor Schneider, salary 8 00 F. F. H. Co, hose 300 00 G. W. Simmons &Co., supplies 6 50 A. P. Ferguson, wagons 511 00 Wm. Herz, supplies 2 10 Wm. Herz, oif. 85 t 1349 34 STREET FUND, James Gage. labor 7 60 M. B. Murphy, labor 9 00 Michael Hession, laborl'III"" 10 60 John Miller,;iabor " 6 00 Frederick Radke, labor.. 10 50 F. M. Halleck, supplies .. ll.lll'lll'. 4 26 Israel Clark, manure 18 38 Michael Williams, labor..... '.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.Y. 7 50 Wm. Nlmps, labor J O. M. Martin, boxea B J.C. Handy, painting 00 Wm. Herz, palnting Jü Smith Motley, salary 6 00 Nelsoo Sutherland, salary " 6H James Tolbert, lumber 8 M Hutzel & Co., services go J. P. Judëon, grease WlllisClark. labor 2 10 W. Jacobus, labor W 40 Wood & Son, suppllea K Í 330 40 BECAPITULATION. Contingent 110 54 Pólice..... 1WO Poor 210 89 Fire Department 1349 34 Street.. _J8040 Total 3,)1 77 Repectfully submitted Christian Martin, W. J. Miller, W. E. Walker, Committee. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the same. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, Spafford, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Pres. Howlett. Nays - None. The reports of the city treasurer, marshal, superintendant of the poor and annual report of the Board of Public Worksj were received and Dlaced on file. By Aid. Mann. Resolved, that the fire commissioners are hereby empowered to Durchase a suitable hook and ladder truck and one hose for the fire department. Aid. Taylor moved as an amendment, that the above resolution read fire commissioners and fire committee. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, Spafford, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Pres. Howlett. Nays - None. By Aid. Miller. Resolved, that the city treasurer be authorized to turn the $2,000 worth of University hospital bonds over to the University authorities provided they will accept them at their par value. Otherwise the city treasurer shall dispose of them as provided at the last meeting. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, Spafford, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Pres. Howlett. By Aid. Martin. Resolved, that the City Clerk be and is hereby ordered and directed to draw a warrant on the University Hospital Fund for four thousand dollars payable to the treasurer of the University. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, Spafford, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Pres. Howlett. Nays - None. Aid. Taylor moved that the report )f the special committee on the rerising of the charter and the amendnents thereto be taken from the ' able. Carried. The question of the amendment . is offered by Aid. Walker to abolish he Board of Public Works. , Aid. Mann moved that the amendment be laid on the table. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Herz, Snow, Miller, A. F. Martin, Pres. Howlett - 7. Nays - Aid. Martin, Walker, 0'Mara, Spafiord, Taylor - 5. Aid. Walker offered the following amendment that the treasurer and street commissioner of this city be elected by the people at its annual charter election. Aid. Mann moved that the amendment be laid on the table. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Marin Miller, Pres. Howlett - 5. Nays- Aid. Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Spafïord, Taylor, A. F. Vlartin - 7 . On the amendment. Yeas- Aid. Snow, Walker, O'lara, Spafïord, Taylor - 5. Nays - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Marin, Herz, Miller, A. F. Martin, 3res. Howlett - 7. On the adoption of the report. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Marn, Herz, Snow, Miller, A. F. Martin, Pres. Howlett - 8. Nays - Aid. Walker, O'Mara, Spafford, Taylor - 4. Council then adjourned. Jas. R. Bach, City Clerk. Foggs- How is it you're dressed up so? You ware flying very low when I saw you last. Boggs- My rich aunt died, and mentioned me handsomely. Foggs- S07011 think you must put on a million airs, en? Effle (as tliey leave the church)- Mamma, why do they have those big golden eagles on some of the church altars ? Freddie- It's cos they're birds of prey-of course, silly.
Ann Arbor City Council
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
George Miller
J. R. Bach
Jacob H. Stark
T. D. Kearney
George Wahr
William Herz
David Collins
James Murray
Clarence Tice
Charles Schultz
Tom Hannon
M. Hessian
Theodore Jackson
E. C. Lyke
J. Volland
W. E. Boyden
J. Kapp
Edward Duffy
L. Gruner
W. F. Lodholz
W. H. McIntyre
Caspar Rinsey
Henry Marsh
John Hall
William Hatto
George Johnson
James Judson
Richard Judson
A. F. Martin
William Cleaver
Claud Gage
William Biggs
John Moore
George Jedele
M. P. Vogel
John Ross
Fred Sipley
William Carroll
C. A. Edwards
L. Hoelzle
Samual McLaren
Herman Kirn
Morgan Williams
Robert Ross
Victor Schneider
A. P. Ferguson
James Gage
M. B. Murphy
Michael Hession
John Miller
Frederick Radke
F. M. Hallock
Israel Clark