Local Brevities
The Algonquin club party occurs to-night. The U. of M. Glee Club sings in Ypsilanti, to-morrow night. John Maulbetch, of Lima, removed to Ann Arbor, yesterday. Revival meetings are being held in the Salem Congregational church. The Michigan Central has shipped 1,500 car loads of ice rom this point. A handsome type writer desk has been placed in the county clerk's office. Dr. B. B. Sudworth has been reappointed physician at the County house. Williams & Son, of State street, have sold their grocery to Ferguson & Slater. Mrs. Sed James has received $3,000 from Schiller Council, Royal Arcanum. of which her husband was a member. Mary Ann, the infant daughter of Michael Hession, died Tuesday, of brain fever, aged six months and twenty-six days. The ceiling of the council room is being replastered in the places where it had become loóse, a much needed improvement. Undertaker Martin has built a small room in the back of his store room, where bodies may be placed awaiting shipment or burial. The Nichols heir have filed notice in the probate court that they will appeal their case against the Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti street railway. C. O. Townsend, professor of chemistry at Macón, Georgia, and Miss Mary Louise Taylor were married Tuesday by Rev. J. W. Bradshaw. Fred Fletcher was sent to the Detroit House of Correction, Tuesday, for ninety days, by Justice Bogardus, of Ypsilanti, for stealing an overcoat. No one defended license at the Gospel Temperance meeting last Sunday. Plans for a temperance revival will be considered at next Sunday's meeting and a committee appointed. The second lecture in the Tappan Training course will be given in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening by Rev. M. O. Brownson, of Detroit. Subject: "Augustine's Confessions." What promises to be a pleasant entertainment consisting of pantomimes and music, will be given in the Congregational church, Saturday evening at 7:30. All are invited. Admission 10 cts. Treasurer John Clark, of Dexter township, settled with the county treasurer Tuesday. The taxes in the township this year amounted to some #3,642, and Mr. Clark collected all but $17.93 or it. Russell H. Conwell will deliver the next lecture before the Students' Lecture Association, on Saturday, February 21, on "The Silver Crown or Born a King. ' ' Those who heard him last year were very highly pleased with him. Reserved sests will be on sale Thursday, February !9 Rev. J. T. Sunderland will give the last sermón in his course on "Immortality" at the Unitarian church next Sunday morning; subject, "Conditions pf the Future Life: Retribution; Heil; Heaven." Subject of evening lecture, "A Sunday in London: Hearing Canon Liddon and Spurgeon." The Cleary Business College, of Ypsilanti, was incorporated, Tuesday, with a capital stock of 25,500, which is divided into #10 shares; held as follows: Patrick R. Cleary, 1,695 shares; Benjamin F. Bailey, 300; Durand W. Springer, 200; Freeman B. Goodspeed, 80; Myron H. Stanley, 70; Charles J. Becker, 60; Lewis M. Olds, 50; M. O. Strait, 50; Edward C. McCarthy, 30; Edwin H. Baldwin, 15. The report of a pistol caused a rumor to arise that some one had i been shot in Fred Brown's saloon yesterday afternoon. There was no truth in the rumor. In an attempt to put one or two men out of the saloon, a crowd, principally of men who had been working for the Michigan Central, attempted to take possession of the bar. A blank cartridge was fired and two men hit with a stick befo re order was restored. The building committee of the board of supervisors have been making many improvements in the court house. The basement has been all kalsomined, baseboards have been placed around the corridors and all the rooms in the basement have been kalsomined and much improved in appearance. The pioneer room has been removed one door further east. The offices in the basement now make very pleasant rooms. The tile flooring in the corridors have been cleaned, a new floor has been laid id the clerk's office and the woodwork varnished. The officers installed last Monday evening for the current quarter by the Good Templars are as follows: G. G. Crozier, C. T.; Miss E. M. Stebbins, T. L.; R. M. Watts, P. C. T.; Miss Hattie Steward, secretary; J. R. Bowdish, treasurer; Miss Myrtie Amsden, F. S.; J. E. Hampden, M.; Miss Helen Shirley, D. M.; Mrs. J. C. Carson, Chap.; Miss Rose Shirley, G.; C. W. Kirtland, S. The Washtenaw District lodge meets with the Ann Arbor lodge on Saturday the I4th inst., and in the evening there will be a public entertainment and oyster supper to which all friends are cordially invited. Hon. James S. Gorman has rented his farm in Lyndon, five miles north of Chelsea, and has an auction sale of stock and farming utensils on Thurday, February 12, at ioo'clock including pair of horses eight years old, six-year-old greymare, six-yearold brown mare, four-year-old Clydesdale mare, five-year-old black gelding, a two-year-old "blaze" colt and a yearling "blaze" colt, sixteen cows, four half-breed Jerseys, a two-year-old full blooded Jersey buil, grandson of Senator Palmer's imported Jersey buil and son of Capt. Pridgeon's full blooded Jersey cow; forty sheep which averaged 11 pounds washed wool for the past three years, two Triumph binders; mowers, wagons, etc, etc.
U of M Glee Club
Michigan Central Railroad
Cleary College
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
John Maulbetch
B. B. Sudworth
Mrs. Sed James
C. O. Townsend
Mary Louise Taylor
J. W. Bradshaw
Fred Fletcher
M. O. Brownson
John Clark
Russell H. Conwell
Patrick R. Cleary
Benjamin F. Bailey
Durand W. Springer
Freeman B. Goodspeed
Myron H. Stanley
Charles J. Becker
Lewis M. Olds
M. O. Straight
Edward C. McCarthy
Edwin H. Baldwin
Fred Brown
James S. Gorman