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Cood News! No one, wlio is willing to adopt the right oourse, need be long afflicted willi boils, carbuncles, pimples, or oüier cutaueous eruptions. These are the restilts of Nature's efforts to expel poisonous and eflete matter ironi tlie blood, and show plamly tliat the systern is ridiling itself tlirougli tlie skin oí impurities whlch it was the legitímate work of the liver and kldneys to remove. To restore these Qrgans to tlielr proper fnnctions, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the medicine required, Tlmt uo other blood-purlfler can compare with it, thousauds testiiy wlio have gamcd Freedom from tlie tyranny of depravert blood by the use of this medicine. "Fornlne years I was afflicted wtth a skin disease tliat did not yield lo any remedy until afriend Ivised me totry Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Wilh the nse of this medicine the complaint dlgappeared. It is my belief that no other blood medicine conld have effected so rapid and complete a cure."- Andrés D. García, C. Victoria. Tamaulipas, Mexico. "My face, for years, was covered with pimples and liumors. for whicli I conkl fmd no remedy till I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Three bottles of this great blood medicine effected a thorougli cure. I confidently recommend it to all stiffering from similar troubles."- M. Parker, Concord, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PBEPARED BT DE. J. C. AYER & CO., IiOwell, Mass. BoldbyDruggiBtB. $1,bii$5. Worth$5abottle.