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Milton Hack is quite ill. Mrs. M. A. Palmer is quite ill with lagrippe. Mrs. O. A. Kelly is visiting her sister in Ohio. Miss Florance King is visiting her mother in Ohio. A new Wabash R. R. bridge is going up over thepces. Mrs. Coe visited Detroit on business the first of the week. Mrs. Sill and daughter visited Saline the first of the week. Miss Grace Wilson is visiting friends in South Rockwood. H. Knight says the Patrons are doing a fine grocery business. Miss Gearhart, of Williamston is the guest of Mrs. F. Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Boutelle visited Ypsilanti the first of the week. Logs are just rolling into Chas. Wilson's mili yard this winter. Geo. Millen and wife, of Ann Arbor, are visiting Milan friends. Mr. Frost, of Saginaw, was the guest of Mrs. Taylor, the last of the week. La grippe is an unwelcome guest at many of the Milan homes this winter. Miss Ona Clark, who was seriously ill with diphtheria, last week, is now convalescent . W. W. Watts and wife, of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday with Wm. Whitmarsh and wife. The Presbyterian tea social was held at Mrs. J. Gauntlett's residence on River street, Tuesday p. m. The Ladies' Missionary society met at Mrs. Whitmarsh's residence on west Main Street, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Blakeslee went to Grand Rapids, Monday, to attend the funeral of their brother, A. Richards. One hundred converts arereported as being the outcome of the M. E. revival meetings. The meetings will continue this week. A slaughter sale at the P. of I. dry goods store will extend through the month of February. Mr. James Gauntlett offers fine rates. N. P. Lamkins still continĂșes to add new machinery to his already extensive business. This time it is a corn sheller, and a large one. Rev. Jay Huntington commenced a series of meetings at the Baptist church, this week. Rev. J. W. Stone, of Richmond, Ind., will assist him. The topic for the Y. P. S. C. E. for Feb. 15 is: "Is the Christian Life Worth its Price," Isa. 55. 1 - 3. Romans 1. 3 - 5. James 1. 2 - 4. Rev. Jay Huntington will conduct the meeting.