Mr. Milo Clark is on the sick list. Mr. Conrad has discontinued the meetings at York. Mrs. I. N. Clark is afflicted at present with erysipelas. Arthur White, of Toledo, was visiting friends here last week. Mrs. McLachlan visited her sister near Ann Arbor over Sunday. Mr. Irving Clark went to Dexter, last Friday, to remain a few days. Edward Rogers. of Pittsfield, visited A. G. Mclntyre's mili, last week. Mr. Dan Seeley, of Milán, is taking orders for fruit trees in this vicinity. Taxes are pretty high in this district this year, on account of the school tax. Mr. James Seeley, of Ypsilanti, made a business trip to our town, last Friday. Alittle child of Marvin Davenporthas been very sick with inflam mation of the lungs but is some better. A family not a thousand miles from here was talking one day about ñames, when a youngster spoke up and asked, "Pa, what was your name bef ore you was married?" A Free Methodist minister and his wife came here last week, with the intention of holding meetings. But not finding anyone that would board them and keep their horse, they concluded to leave for some more promising field.