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Why does this man stare so ? He is simply listening to the marvelous cnres effected by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The following case illustrates : February lth, 1890. ■WOBLJD'8 DlSPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIAT1ON. Buffalo, N. Y. : QenUemcn- A remarkable case has occurred in our territory. J. N. Berry, a man about thirty years of are, wal goini? down rapidly. He tried phyaioian after physician, patent medicines, home receipta- in fact, everythiny. He went to a noted sanitarium and returned no better. We all thousut he was dying with consumption, and only a few weeks of lile were lert for him. He commenced "Golden Medical Discovery," and at the same time commeneed to mend. He ha used about two dozen bottles, and is still uging it. He has gained in weipht, color and Btrenyth, aad is able to do lijrht work. It is Just such a case as we sbould have listened to rather suspiciously, but waen we see it we must believe it. It has trebled our sales of " Golden Medical j Discovery." JOHN HACKETT & SOK. Druggists, Roanoke, Ind. In all bronchial, throat and lung '. affections, lingering coughs, spitting of blood, weak lungs and kindred I ailments, the " Discovery " eiïects the most marvelous cures. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. TfOR SALE.- A new milch cow. Cali at -■ 5-15 W. W. Boyle's. Webster TRAFT3 on all European parta for sale by ■ 4-i5 JA8. K. BACH, 16 Hurón Street TICKETS for the Anchor Line of ocean steamers íor sale by JA8. H. BACH, 16 Hurón Btreet. 5-15 PARTIES Davina property for sale should leave the game at BACH'S Real Estáte Agency, 16 Hurón Street. 5-15 FOR RENT.-Peveral flrst-class houses. Cali onJ.R. BACH. 16 Hurón Street 5-15 INSURE your property wlth JAS. R. BACH, 16 Hurón street. Oniy flrst-class eompanpanies represented. 5-15 FARMERS, ATTENTION-Japanese Buckwheat. I have eighteen bushels for sale for seedlng purposes. Apply to E. C. Bartlett, Ann Arboreity. 11-15 TO RENT- New house on east Summit 6t. Good cellar and goed water. iDquire at City Mills. i4 1 1SS M. E. CORSON will be at Mrs. M H. i'I Soutbard's Millinerv Store after January 12. where artistic work in cutting-, fining and drapiDg will be done. pO YOU watrt a situation in Chicago or the ' west ? Write the Employers' Associatien, Cfaicatro, 111-, stating what yoü can oo 4 NN ARBOfi NTJRSERT- Fruit and orna- mental trees. Peach and pear a specialty. Grapp vine, berry nlants, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Ganehorn, head of Spring street. FOR RENT- Two commodious pleasant flats, with Riï rooms eaoh in New Block on State Btreet. Enquire at No. 18 South State street Oi- t!. FOR SALE- House in Secomd ward ; 2 houses on Whitmore Lake road, and 2 brick stores and frame building on North Maiu street. occupied respectivelyasgrocery, saloon, and barber shop. Inquire of executors of James Kitson estáte, 21 Geddea avenue. PIANO TÜNER,-We have secured Mr. T C. Phelps, an expert piano tuner and repairer. to do our piaDo work. He comes to us most hjghly recommended. Any orders !eft for him at our store will receive prompt and caref ui attention. Allmendinger Piano and Organ Co. FOK SAr,E.--Three and a half lots and house, No. 25 N. Ashley street. House ten rooms, eistern, water works, barn.all in good repair. Lots sold separately ïf desired. Lower lots Ï250. Lot with house. A decided bargain. Enquire of F. J. Schleede, State st., or 25 N. Ashley st. A UCTION SALE - As I have made up my - mind to discontinue on account of bad health 1 will sellat auction all my personal property on Monday, March 2, 1891, commencing- at 9 o'olock a. m . I also offer for sale my farm, if not sold I will rent. Any person ■wlshintf to buy should come and get "particulars. Patrick Gibney, Northfleld. FOK SALE -A bari?ain. The desirable property known as "Oak View," Milleravenne, Ann Arbor, nice ten rqomed frame dwelling, barn, other out buildings, nearly new, best well water, soft water in the house, 6% acres land, good assortment of fruit trees, seven minute8walk from court house, fine location. Applysoon. P.O. box 1700, or on premises. C. Geo. Liddell, 7-11 AS it is quite an object for me to lócate near the Ij niversity, 1 offer to exchanire fora house in the city of Ann Arbor, a fine house and lot in the city of Battle Creek. oentrahy and nieely located (No. 199 Jefferson street), on 6treet care line, and within two minutes' walk of two depots, and flve minutes walk of Main streei, whieh bringsthe M. C. Depot near at hand. The place is worth about 12.100. Will pay difference in cash.if necessary. Title perfect. Address or cali on H. E. Reeve, Dextr, Mich. . DECLININC MANHOOD fjSt&to KeSvOred by the uee of W sQ Wonderful Spanish B aO Remedy. curea all NerY 5W vous Diseases, nuch as JL2Pk_,j2r Weak Memory, Loas oí vKBMfV Bram Power, Headache, EW'fe. Wakefulucss. Lost ManSKKA hood, Nervousness, Laa%fLfí?Mmf Mtudc. all draios and loaa o„„_„ i, iü_. il. of power of the GeneraBefo re & After Use. tlveOrganBineltherBcx caused by over exertion, youthful indescretions, or the cxcesslve ose of tobáceo, opium, or stimulaate, which ultlmately lead to Inñrrairy, ConBumption and Insanity. Pat up in convenlent form U carry In the vest pocket. Prlce ïl a package, or 6 for f5. Six packagee cure& the the worst cases. .Sent by mail to any addre&s. Circalars free. Mention tbis paper. Address U. S. Agente. B1DBID CUEBICLL CO., itf Doarborn St., Chicago, 111, FOR SALE IN ANN AKBOK, MICU, BY Mfum Bros., Druetrists, 39 South Main St J. J. Goodyear'8 Drug Store, ïo. 5 South Main St. Commissioners' Notice, STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WashteDaw. The undersigned havingheen appointed by the Probate Court for said Counf, Commissioners toreceive, examine and adjust all claims and (Iemands of all persons agalnst the estáte of Willis R. Henderson, latp of saiil County, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Coart, for creditors to present their claims aeainst the estafo of said dweased . and that tbey will meet at the office of William D Harnman, in the City of ; Ann Arbor, in said County, on Saturday, the : second day of May and on Monday the thlrd day of August, next, st ten o'clock a. m. o cach of said days, to leceive, examine and adjust aaid claimn. Dated, February 2, 1891. THOMAS D. KEABNEY, H. J. BROWN. Commissioners