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News Of The State

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The greenest sort of inexprienced burglars raided a Pènton newspaper office, but without reward, but made a haul oL 3 cents the same uight at the railway depot. The Emery Iiumber company, a Sagi; oaw concern, is cutting a supply of CaI uadian i.igs ior another season's run. The Sütire lot- 25.000,000 feet- will be rafted across Lake Huron. Five ladies were seriously injured by a runaway at Manistee vvhile on their return, trip from a funeral. Two of the occupants had ribs brokec. A couple of Jackson youths thought 'twould be fun to roam out west and suppress the Indiau insurrection, but became very lonesome when Kausas City was reached and wrote back for cash to enable 'em to return home. A "Van Buren county farmer niarketed 184 bushels of whent at a siugle load, at Decatur, which is claimed to be the larg;st load of wheat ever rolled to market on teheels, iu tliat local optiou bailiwiek. It weighed over four tous. Escanaba has a $5,000 laundry and now her people will endeavor to keep clean. Baugor bas an iron foundry, started by Jacob Leaver & Son, for the express purpose of turuing out iron fence poste, on which the flrm hold a patent. George F. Sytz, a Port Huron married man of tweuty-five years' standing, avers that he can't longer endure the cruel treatment inflicted by nis wife, and seeka a divorce. The couple are jointly interepted in a family of ten chüdren! Copemish holds its flrst village election at the tender age of 15 months. A strong effort will be made to comple the approaches of the Port Huron tunnel structure, and to this end 300 men will be added to the already large force employed theren. John Remfrey, who died recently at Ontonagon aged B3 years, was an old time resident of far otï Australia. Eleven people, all above the age of 55, were buried üuring the month of January by one Grand Ledge undertaker. Miss Nettie Zwemer has sailed for the Oriënt to accept a position in a Chinese mission school. She was formerly a teacher in the public schools of Holland, this state. Mrs. Caroline Harver, the Constautine womau who was arrested for shooting at her husband last summer, has been acquitted by the jury that tried the case, as they coucluded she didn't mean business. Not long since three boys residing not far from Iron Mountain became lost in the woods and wandered around through a blinding snow two days before they were found by a party of 100 men, organized for their rescue. Hon. M. O. Heath, a Sparta gentleman well known in political circles, died recently aged 60 years. He was the Green back candidate for governor of the state in 1S76. Miss Dorcas Deau, the first person to teach school in the city of Adrián, is dead at the. age of 83 years. A fakir and four bad smelling bears attracted a big crowd on the streets of Sturgis. Man's curiosity is easily excited. John Woodbeck, a veterau of the war of 1812, died a few days since at Pewamo. He had attained the unusual age of 101 years. It requires $168,000 to run Detroit's city government every thirty days. Springsport has a citizen who claims to have got himself outside of six barrels of eider in a single winter. Whew! what a swim. A dozen converts to the Mormon faith have been made in Buell township, Sanilac county by a Salt Lake missionary. Miss Martha Hickok, of Lansing, was given a dose oL strychnine for quinine, by her mother by mistake, and died two hours afterward. There is no trouble in filling vacaneies on the Grand Kapids pólice force. Not long since six "cops" stepped down and out, but fifty men immediately flled applicatious for pólice positions. Bay City masons have secured a ninehour working day for the coming season, and now the carpenters will endeavor to secure a like concession from their employers. Detroit people of the "upper ten" persuasión want a $140,000 club house. As they possess the necessary shekels, there's no apparent reason why the desii'e should notbegratifled. Kissing the bride proves to be a dangerous pastime on some occasions, as an Iron River man who tried it, fully realizes. He was thrown from a second story window by the angry mob. Jackson friends of Mrs. J. P. Bradley, of Corning, N. Y. , have been accustomed to sending that lady Christmas presenta each year, but getting no response for a long time, started an investigation when they learned tb at she died three years ago. Saginaw folks don't claim to be particularly luuy, but for all that they think that an insane asylum should be built in their city at state expense. The Farmers' alliance continúes to make inroads in the P. of I. ranks in this state, the membership of 100,000 oue year ago having been reduced to 65,000. Water from an overflow spout of a Negaunee tank hascongealed and fornied an iceberg thirty feet in height. This is an aunual occurrence, and it's ofteu midsummer before it's all melted. Ispheming's new waterworks system is completdd, and is oue of the best and most complete in the entire state. Grand Rapids' bastile is overcrowded, illy ventilated, infested with verruin and a veritable death trap, according to local accounts. Has the spirit of reform departed from the second city. Before snow flies another winter. Allegan expects to have the finestschool build Ing of any town in the state of her size. at a cost of 18,000. Russell E. Canfleld, the man who murdered Nellie Griffin at Dimondale, was taken into Judge Hooker's court at Charlotte on the 3d, admitted his guilt, sentenced to the Jacksou prison for lite, and an hour later was on his way to the penitentiary. On the same day the body of his victim was buried at Cold water. Miss Grace Moon of Muskegon received a lot of haudsome presents on the occasion of her marriage, iucluding a $10,00;) check from her father. Robert Laird, a Salzburg Yankee, was industriously whittling when tlie rivet Df his jack knife broke, the bladn making bee line for his leg, severing an artery. Tall hustling by a local physiciou alona prevented Robert from bleediug to death.