
S. W. Clarkson spent Sunday in Alma. Miss Louise Spring is visiting in East Saginaw. Hon. John J. Robison was in Hillsdale this week. J. C. Watts, of East Saginaw, was in the city this week. Miss Addie Polhemus is visiting Miss A. Larned, of Worden. John Schmid and wife entertained their friends Tuesday evening. Mrs. John Ferdon gave an afternoon tea, Wednesday afternoon. Hon. Fred W. Maynard, of Grand Rapids, was in the city, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Adams are visiting friends in Jackson this week. Miss Lillie Shipman and sister, of Ypsilanti, were in the city Wednesday. Robert Mann, of East Tawas, is visiting his relatives here for a few days. O. L. Matthews, pension agent, of Lansing, visited friends here, Wednesday. Mrs. H. Benham, of Ypsilanti, is visiting her father, A. Hammond, for a few days. Miss Ida Gwinner, of Manchester, is visiting her Ășnele, Chas. Binder, Sr., this week. J. W. Shaw returned last evening f rom a visit to his brother, J. H. Shaw, in Toledo. Hon. Martin Crocker and wife, of Mt. Clemens, have been visiting Mrs. John W. Bennett. Ex-Governor Felch was one of the central figures at the governor's levee in Detroit Tuesday evening. Miss Bertha Rogers, who is visiting at L. H. Clement's, was given a pleasant surprise party last evening. Mrs. Harriet Sanborn left Wednesday evening for Philadelphia, to accept a position in a Woman's Hospital there. Miss Lizzie Clancy and Mrs. Wm. Nanry returned from Lansing, where they made the Misses Dolan, formerly of Ann Arbor, a week 's visit. Miss Hattie Steward gave a pleasant party to about thirty of her friends last Friday night, dancing being the amusement of the evening. John Weitbrecht, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his sisters here. He is traveling for the firm of Behr Bros., leather manufacturera, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor, Jr., of the Andrews Opera Co., spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor, of 90 Broadway. They expect to return some time during the season with the company for a night's engagement. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Pond, Mrs. L. D. Wines, Miss. Wing, T. D. Kearney, J. E. Duffy, J. B. O'Flynn and Fred McOmber were among the Ann Arborites who attended the governor's levee in Detroit Tuesday night.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
S. W. Clarkson
Louise Spring
John J. Robison
J. C. Watts
Addie Polhemus
John Schmid
Mrs. John Ferdon
Fred W. Maynard
W. D. Adams
Lillie Shipman
Robert Mann
O. L. Matthews
Ida Gwinner
J. W. Shaw
Martin Crocker
John W. Bennett
Bertha Rogers
Harriet Sanborn
Lizzie Clancy
Mrs. William Nanry
Hattie Steward
John Weitbrecht
J. C. Taylor
Arthur Brown
George H. Pond
Mrs. L. D. Wines
Thomas D. Kearney
J. E. Duffy
J. B. O'Flynn
Fred McOmber