The Democratic County Convention
The democratie county convention assembled jn the court house, yesterday. F. A. Howlett was made temporary chairman and Gustave Brehm, secretary. The following committees were appointed: Resolutions, S. W. Beakes, Chas. R. Whitman, J. Willard Babbitt; credentials, Edward Duffy, John Terns, Alfred Davenport; order of business and permanent organization, John P. Kirk, James R. Bach, M. J. Lehman. The convention then adjourned until two o'clock. On reassembling, the committee on credentials reported the delegates present an unusually large number attending for a spring convention. The committee on organización reported an order of business and in favor of making the temporary officers permanent. The committee on resolutions reported as follows: The democracy of Washtenaw county, in convention assembled, congratulates the state of Michigan upon the triumph of democratie principies at the last state election, which has given to the people, for the first time in 36 years, a legislature, democratie in both branches, and an unbroken line of democratie state officials, headed by that sturdy, honest, unflinchingand conscientious democrat, Governor Edwin B. Winans. We recognize in this victory the legitimate result of a long-continued and, at times, seemingly hopeless struggle of the friends of good government against a party which stood and yet stands for everything which is corrupt in its methods, subversive of liberty in its aims, and existing only as the agent of wicked and oppressive monopoly. We feel that the people have recognized our cause as just and righteous and that by a continuance of our principies we may retain our new found friends to aid us in putting down the foes of political liberty; and to that end, Resolved, That we demand short sessions of the legislature, the abolition of all unnecessary offices, rigid economy in the administraron of state affairs, reduction in taxation, a just and equal assèssment of taxes, careful scrutiny of the action of all boards, and a rigid accountability to the people for all official actions. Resolved, That we reaffirm our allegiance to the principies contained in the last democratie state and national platforms. The report was unanimously adopted. The following delegates to the state convention were elected: At large. - Thomas D. Kearney, J. Willard Babbitt. ist District, F. A. Howlett, S. W. Beakes, C. L. Tuomey, F. H. Belser, Jas. Kearns, J. V. Sheehan, Philip Duffy, Gus. Brehm. 2nd. District, J. Lutz, Jas. L. Lowden, M. Davenport, C. Woodruff, J. Kirk, L. M. Duggan, L. Sweetland, F. J. Hammond. The convention then adjourned. There was no speech making for none was necessary.