North Lake

Robins and other spring bird have arrived. H.M. Twamley sold a large flock of lambs last week. B. H. Glenn sells his persona property this week. Mrs. Charles Cooper has a siste from Canada visiting her. Senator Gorman liad a big sale this week. Everything sold well. A letter from Mrs. Lou Glenn Mapes, tells of her returning health The family of Wm. Hudson are fast getting better and will soon be out. Miss Rose Glenn visited at her aunt's in Unadilla, last week, a day or two. Mr. Montague, of Gregory, is turning out four and five thousand staves daily now. S. A. Mapes is teaching shorthand, stenography and penmanship in Marietta, Georgia. Some nice fish caught on Crooked lake last week, eight pounds being the heaviest caught. Wheat on ground looks sickly now in places. What March will do for it remains to be seen. Zerah Chalker and family made a few visits in these parts last week. He is lately from the west. J. L. Watts and Will Secord are selling fancy baskets by the wagon load, over thirty in one day. John Rathbone, of Ann Arbor, made a two day's visit at the lake and tried fishing. Very good luck attended him. The hotel keeper at Gregory has been hauled over the coals twice in a week or so for selling whiskey without leave or license. Emmet Whalain is moving back to this neighborhood. He will occupy the house of Mattie and Henry Glenn and work the farm for a time at least. No new cases of scarlet fever have developed. All who had it are recovering nicely and school and church will open soon, as also will the lyceum and P. of I. meetings. A bonanza in the shape of a paint mine of ten acres in extent is the property of Mr. Merrill, near Gregory. It is from one foot to ten in thickness and is called Seana. It is found in three shades of color. There is enough to paint every town red in the United States and have a little for the borders.