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The seat of sick headache is not in the brain. Regúlate the stomach and you cure it. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the little regulators. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOR SALE.- A new milch cow. Cali at 5-15 W. W. Boyle's. Webster DHAFTS on all European parta for sale by J-i5 JAS. R BACH, 16 Huron street. TICKETS for the Anchor Line of ocean steamers for sale by JAS. K. BACH, 16 Huron Street. 5-15 FARM FOB SALE OR RENT.- One hundred acres, north-west of Ann Arbor. Enquire at Argus office. PAHTIES having property for sale should leave the same at BACH'S Real Estáte Ageney, ]6 Hurun Street. 6-15 FOR RENT -Peveralflrst-class houses. Cali on J. K. BACH, 16 H uron Street 6-15 INSUKE our property with JAS. R. BACH, 16 Huron street Only flrst-class companpanies represented. 5-15 FOK SALE- Young horse warranted good and sound to work doublé or single, weight 1.30(1, pply to E. G. Bisbee, three miles northeast of A nn Arbor. 13 - 17 LADIES cali from 9 to 11 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m.. for free trial of ' Blush of Hose-." for ' eautifying the complexion. 13-23 Mrs A. M. Austin. 4 Umty Bloek. F ARME H, ATTENTION-Japanese Buckwheat. I have eighteen bushels for sale for seeding pur poses. Apply to E. C. Bartlett, Ann Arbor city. 11-15 DO FOU want a situation in Chicago or the we6t 't Write the Employers' Associatien Chicago, 111 , statingwhat you can oo ANN AKBOK NURSERY- Fruit and ornamental trees. Peach and pear a specialty. Grap' vines, berry nlants, etc. Price low Jacob Ganzhorn. head of Spring street. FOR RENT- T wo commodious pleasant flats with six rooms each in New Block on State street. Enquire at No. 18 South State street 6H- tf. F OU SALE.- House in Secoad ward ; 2 houees on Whitmore Lake road, and 2 briek stores and frame buliding on North Mhíu stieet. occupied respectively as grocery, saloon, and barber shop. Inquire of executorsuf James Kitsonestaie, 21 Geddes avenue. PIANO TUNER.-We have secured Mr. T C. Phflps, an expert piano tuner and repairer, to do our piano work. He comes to us most higbly recommended. Any orders left for him at our store will receive prompt and careful attention. Allmendinger Piano and Organ Co. FOlt SAr,E.--Three and a half lots and house. No. 25 N. Ashley street. House ten room-, cistern, water worke, barn.all in good r. pair. Lots sold separately ïf desired. Lowvr lots $250. Lot with house. A decided bargnin. Enquire of F. J. Schleede, State st., or25 N. Ashley st. AUCTION SALE As I have made up my mind t" discontinue farming on account ofbidhealthl will sell at auction all my personal property on Monday, Marcb 2. 1891. com mcncing at 9 o'c'ock a. m . I also offer for saie my farm. if not nold I will rent. Any person wisbing to buy should come and get particulars. PatrickGibney, Northfleld. AS it is quite an object for me to lócate near the University, 1 offer to exchantre fora house in the city of Ann Arbor, a fine house and lot in the hustlng city of BattleCreek. centrally and nicely located (No. 199 Jefferson gtreet), on si reet care line, and within two minutes' walk of two depots, and flve minutes walk of Main streei, which bringsthe M. C. Depot near at hand. The place is worth about $2. 00 Will pay difference in cash. if necessary. Title perfect. Address or cali on R. E. Reeve. Dexter, Mich. MANHOOD RESTORED. fjfiifiO Wonderful Spaulsh } 3 v' i'ittenGuarantec xW to cure all Nervous Dis JLpk jjjEf eaees, such as Weak glRi Wff Memory. Lose of BralD JSkSIISêSkl akefulness, Lost Man fifrM&Xi. zim huod. Xervousness, Las s a x. ti sltude, all drains am Before & After Use. ios of power of th. Pbotographed from llfe. Gener?"ve Organs, ii """" g=- elüier sex, canped b.i over-cxertlon, youthful Indcscretlons, or the excessiv ubc of tobáceo, opium, or stimulauts, whlch ultlmatel lead to Inflrmtty, Cousurnption and Insanity. Put uj In convenicut form to carry in the vest pocket Pricc % 1 a package, or 6 for $5. Wlth every 15 order we glvc a written suarantee to cure or refund the moncy. Seut by mail to any address. Circular íree. Mentlon thls paper. Address, ' DIÍ1D CHEMICAL CO., Branch Office for U. S. A. Í17 r, C-nnt. CnftnO, ILL. FOP. SALE IN ANN AKBOR, MICH., BT Manu Drus.. Drufrgista, 39 South Main St. J. J. Goodyear's Drug títore. No, 5 South Main St. MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPRIETORS OF TH K WESTERN BBEWEBï, ANN RBOR, MICH Brewers of Pure Lager Beer. V'O. 4 W. W ISHINGTON ST. House, Sign. Ornamenal and Fresco Paintïs gilding, ealcimining, giRimg and paper nanv Ing. All work is done in the best style aid warranted to gire satlsfactlon.