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The National Legislature

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Washington Ciiv', Feb. 12. - The senute ye.sU'rdiiy afreed lo a resol utiou callng on tlie secret.-.ry of tne treasury for a list ef persone or íirm by whom silv r hud been offere.T 'onrter the act of July 14, 1880); a list of thos from vrhom silver üacl been purchased, the anioti.K.-, and pnces, l ie ba-is on wliicli an estímate isinade ui tue market price óf silver, and the amounts aud prices o.' pUver liullion piuviia ed outsideoithe 1 utad Statea Cc nai ieration of the naval appropriatiou lull was iesumeil, and after aniendmeut tlie bill was passeü. After routine business the house went into oomuiittee of tue whole on the lcgislative appi'opriation bill. lu the debate McAdoo of New Jersey spoke iu opposition to the shipping bill, and Stockdale of Miasissippi referred to violatious of the civil service law. No action was taken on the bill and the house adjourned. Washington City, Feb. 13.- In the seríate yesterday the credenti.ils of Teller for the senatorial term biinuing March 4 next were filed. The copyright bill was taken up, but owing to Sher nan's al sence the bill was laid aside, and the District of Columbia appropriation bill was considered aud passed. A nuniber of bilis on the calender were passed, and the seuate adjourned. After routine business the house went into committee of the whole on the legislativo appropriatiou bill. In the debate the administraron of the pension office was attacked by Enloe of Tenuessee and defended by Perkins of Kansas. Without disposing of the bill the house adjourned. Washington City, Feb. 14.- In the senate yesterday, the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was reported. The copyright bill was then considered, and after four hours' discussion Sherman's amendment, providing that foreign editions of books, etc, wnich are copyrighted in the United States, may be admitted to this country on payment of the regular tarifif duties, was agreed to by a vote of 25 to 24. The bill was then laid aside. The president's message announcing the death of Admiral Porter was received, and the senate soon afterwards adjourned. The house after routine business went into committee of the whole on the legislative appropriation bill. An amendment appropriating $36,400 to enable the civil service commission to execute the provisions of the civil service act was agre d to. The bill was then reported to the house, and the ameudment providing for clerks to members not chairmen of committees was defeated. The bill was then passed. The president's message announcing the death of Admiral Porter was read and referred, and the house adjouroed. Washington City. Feb. 16.- In the senate Saturday the credentials of William F. Vilas, as senator-elect Irom Wisconsin for the term commencing the 4th of March next, were presented and filed. Consideration of the copyright bill was resumed, and continued until 3:30, when, after making considerable progress with the bill, it was laid aside, and the message of the president announcing the death of Gen. Sherman laid before the senate. The remainder of the day's session was occupied with eulogistic remarks by Hawley, Morgan, Ma'iderson, Evarts and others. Kesolutions of regret at the death both of Admiral Porter, and Gen. Sherman, and providing for the appointment of committees to attend their funerals were adopted, and the senate adjourned. The house, after routine business, took up in committee of the whole the Indian appropriation bill and some progress was made. In general debate several speeches were made on the Indian problem, but without disposing of the bill the house, after hearing the announcement of Gen. Sherman's death and adopting resolutious of regret at the death of Admiral Porter, adjourned. Washington City, Feb. 17.- The credentials of Jones of Nevada, and Mitchell of Oregon, were presented and filed in the senate yesterday. The conference report on the forcification bill was agreed to. The bill directing proceedings of condemnation to be brought against the Pacific railways was referred. An error of punctuation in the tariff bill affecting the duty on twines was corrected. After some debate on the diplomatic bill an executive session was held, and when the doors reopened Quay made a statement specifically denying the charges that have been made against him of corruption in his political career. Further debate and action on the diplomatic bill took place, but without concluding the bill the senate adjourned. Iu the house E. B. Taylor of Ohio apologized to Fithian for using unparliamenfrary language toward him Saturday. The conference report on the army bill was agreed to. The Indian appropriation was debated without action. Resolutions in honor of Gen. Sherman were adopted and the house adjourned. Washington City, Feb. 18.- The credentials of W. A. Pfeffer as senator-elect from Kansas were presented and filed in the senate yesterday. Stanford's government land bill was reported back adversely, with a recommendation that its consideration be indefinitely postponed. The diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was then considered, and after a long debate passed. The copyright bill was taken up, but the senate adjourned without taking action on it. In the house a resolutiou was reported for the impeachment of Alexander Boardman, United States districu judge for the western district of JLouisiana. The conference report on the fortification bill was agreed to. The ' Indian appropriation bill was then considered in committee of the whole and its engrossment and third reading ordered. The house then adjourned.