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"Boss wouldn't blanket him in the stable. Said it wasn't no use." FREE - Get from yonr dealer free, the Sk Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or th'ee dollars for a 5 Horso Blanket will make your horse worth mors and eat less to k warm. 5A .ve Mile . . . 5A Boss Stable Ask for 5A Eectpjc 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to soit ererybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write ns. BLANKETS AHE TïflE STO3NGEST. NOÑ5 GLNUtNE WITHOUT THE 5A LABEL rtannt'ii ly U'a. atues & Sons, Pillada., wüo r' 1 10 fpiiions Hnrsr Brand BaJcer Blanketa. 4? L-48 II is i%? ÍPTTLL 53Ífe li pwtft r Eicfc HpiiJacto and relievo all Üo troutilKI i'XZ' dent to a bilious state of tbo systej ;, t aO L3 Dizziness, ïsausea, iJrcwuiuèsfl, Distress ai'teï eating, Pain in the Sido, &c. While thelTmoat roiaarkabio eucccse bas been sko wa íu cai: Heryiache, yet Carter'g Littlo Live? VIY.3 ara equally valuablo in Constipation, curing tmd praventing thisannoyingcomplaint.wküe tbcyalca correct all disorders of thoetoina'jU.stirrmlate tït3 liver and regúlate theboweta. Etsii i f tiïeyon'.s Ac)iaiheywoulll)ealmostpricelesgtothosewl23 Bufer from this dirftressing coiuplaint.; but fortuna tely theirgoodness does nofeond here.and thoso who once try them "will ünd theso littlo pillsvalu0H5 in so many waya that they will not bo ".-ilIiBg to do without thom. But affcer allsiCii heed lüihe bane of so many livea thnt hero la -wbero Wo malie our great boast. Oor pills cur j it wiiilo others do not. Cr.rtor's Little Livor Pills aro yery small and Ttry easy to take. One or two pills makoa dosa. They are strictly vegetablo and do not gripo or ï'i:rirr!, but by tboirgentleaction all wtio r.seiUem. lu viala at 25 cents : ñveforíl. Loá bj druggists eTerjwüero, or sent by maS. CARTER MEDICENE CO., Uew York. $Mtu,Piu..sMannQSE.$.llPBiSE W. L. DOUCLAS % % M 1 k " and oiier speclal2J k W SI t. tlcs tor Gentlemen, t m M n b Ladies, etc., are warrantod, and so stamped on bottoni. Address W. 1,. 1)()1;,S. lirnrl' " is. Soldby VM. REINHARDT & CO ■vGENT. $500 REWARD wil be paid to the agent of any scale companr who 'ill say over hU own name as agent, that the Junks ' TON WAGON SC ALE, $60, not -qual to an iiade, and a standard reliable cale For paticulars address only ones of Binghamton, Bingkmton, K.Y,