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Tuis op-n winter mav account for the unnff&Hlly Iiii'ge rfng erop of candidates forjusticeof the upreme rourt, that's alremly in sigbt of the .--everal nominating conventions. An atteinpt wil! be mnde to agaiu breatlie the breatli of lile into Kulaniazoo colle-ze, Dr. T. NeUon, oí Saginatv, haviug been appointed to the presidency, vico Wilcox resigned. The Paluierton factory, at St. Louis, was outside of the wooden v.are trust and its orders are so (ar in advancö of the supply capacity that enlarged facilities will give 10 i additional bands the opportunity of sol ving the bread and butter questiou. Whitehall's most important industry is a factory that turns out Russian leather which bas the looks and odor of the genuine importad articie. Peter Herkins, a Bay City cbap fllled himself with boose and then went out for a nap beneath the frosty stars. When found he was so thorougMy chilled that he was warmed back to lile with much difficulty. Harry Gaa shot and killed nis wife, reloaded his revolver and flred again, then stabbed her with a large knife, aud, to make his brutality complete, pounded the dead woman's head into a jelly with a large monkey wrench. All this happened near Lilly junctiou, iu a state where the murderer, bowever brutal, does not hang unless he gets into the court of Judge Lynch. Gaa is in jail at Baldwin. A two-headed baby is agitating social circles at Edmore. Wüliam Moore of Belleville, is desirous of cooling the Wabash Railway company, audso will furnish 'em with 200 car loads of ice in exchange for shekels. Candidates for pill and powder dispensing credentials may be interested in the statement that the state board of pharmacy will hold an examination meeting at Grand Rapids, March 3 and 4. , Cheboygi n is to have a cheese factory of 300 cow power in the spring, being the first industry of the kind to be established in that bailivvick. An average of 700 cars are ferried across the St. Clair river at Port Huron daily. All this will be changed when the big tunnel goes into commission. Muskegon isn't exactly after the earth, but she wants the earth's factories just the same. This time it's a 500,000 linoleum factory, at Manchester, England, that she's harvested. This makes the fourth factory of this kind to be established in this country. Michigan waterways are being planted with 3,000,000 brook trout by Superintendent Marks, of the Paris flsh hatchery. Allen S. Alger, youngest son of Gen. R. A. Alger, of Detroit, died on the 9th of typhoid fever, aged 8 years. He was sick but two weeks. A couple of Vernon youths obtained a glass of whisky of a local saloonist, contrary to law, which act cost the beverag? dispenser an even $50. Miss Zoe Gayton, the California girl who's engaged in walking across the continent on a wager, reached Detroit fifteen days ahead of time. The amount at stake is $2,C00. A set of Saginaw burglars seem to be quite particular about the tools they write with, and this accounts for the $400 worth of gold pens taken from the store of Swinton & Reynolds, of that city. One Mantón man accused another of stealing a heil'er, but the accusation didn't stick, whereupon the accused pounced upon the accuser with an action for damages for defamation of character, and secured a judgment of 1300. A Mt. Clemens farnily of four persons were made very sick by eating custard of which corn starch was an ingrediënt. The starch was poisoned by the arsenic wrapper of the package. More'n thirty car-loads of ship tirnber are being prepared for shipment in Calhoun county by James Shanahan, of the land of Genesee, to be used in the construction of boats at Bay City. The timber will be shipped from Battle Creek. Grand Haven's canning factory will doublé its capacity the coming season, last season's product of 36,000 quarts of tomatoes having been sold at good prices. The jury disagreed in the Palmer murder case, recently tried at Saginaw, four of the twelve being in favor of Palmer's acquittal. Another trial is now in order. Marquette merchants are no longer compelled to come down with the cash, all in a lump, to cancel the duties on imported goods, as the city now has a bonded warebouse. Grand Rapids furniture manufacturers are having an unusually brisk demand for their wares. Julius Houseman, a well-known business man of Grand Rapids, died at his home in that city on the 8th. He had held many important public positions, and represented the Fifth district in congress from 1883 to 1885. Something like 2,000,000 feet of logs are being banked daily on the Rifle river. Mt. Pleasant's village charter makes no provisión for bonding their town for public improvements and so the business men will try and have some of the lymph of modern business provisions injected into the instrument. Detroit dogs to the number of 185 were muttoned at the pond in that city the past month, resulting in a depressed condition of the local sausage market. A Stanton citizen has been held to the circuit court on the charge of selling diseased meat, but the weighing out ol sliced pareéis of tough, jawing-breaking steak will be continued all over the state. CLester Miller, a Greenville farmer planted fifteen acres of potatoes lasi spring, securing a net return of $200 per acre, or $3,000 for the product of the field. Some folks seem to know how to make farming pay. Detroit people are kieking against the state statute which exempts railroad property from municipal taxation, as the $5, 000,000 worth of railway property owned in that city pays not 1 cent of local tax. Michael Toomey, charged with the murder of Pat Sullivan at Nequanee, justitieel his action on the sround of self-defense and was acquitted by a Marquette jury. The will of the late Julius Houseman of Grand Rapids, made many years ago $5,000 to his divorced wife anc the balance of the estáte, valued at nearly $1,000,001 to his daughter, Mrs. D. M. Aniberg. A Flint cow of more than ordinary bovine knowledge broke loose 'tother anc climbed a winding stairway to a loft above where she was found the next morning by her owner, oontentedly munching hay.