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Drs. Fruth

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No Money Reqmred of Essponsible Partías to Oommencs Treatment. Formerly of New iTork. now the celebra ted Examining Phyaieians and Surgeons of the Fruth Medidal and Surgloal Institute, Chicago, 111., by requt of many Frieads and Patiënte, have decided to vl8it JLNS A.HB OJt, THUHSDAY, MAUCH 12, 1391, Consultation and Examinatlon free and strictly oonfidential in the private parlors of TX3IE: cooz: xïottse], ONE DAT ONLT. D. O. FRUTH, A. C. FRUTH, Celebrated Surgreon. Examlning Physlcian. OF THE 1- - Fruth, Medical and Sureloal Instituto. - Permanently established and incorporated under the laws of the State of 111., with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successfull treatment of all forms of Chronic and Sexual Diseases, Catarri, Asthma, Stomack, Kidney, Bladder, Nervous and Special Diseases of Men and Women. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every depar-tment of medicine and surgery. . Female Diseases positively cured by a Marriage. Married persons or young never failing method. A home treatment en1 men contemplating marriage, aware of physitirely harmless and easily applied. Consultacal weakness, loss of procreative powers, imtion f ree and8trictly confldential. poteney.or any other disqualiflcation, speedDr. Fruth after years of experience has ily restored. perfeeted the most infallible method of eur. . ing Vital drain in Uriue. Nocturnal loases, Epllepsy or Fits positively cured Dy Impaired Memory, Wenk Back, Mel.mcholy, our new and never failing Hospital treatment. Want of Energy, Premature decline of the _. . . n, ,.., Manly Powers.-those terrible disorders aris„Kidney and Bladder Diseases fím i-ninniis nrnntifPQfif vnnth hlic-htinir Bright s Disease. Diabetes and kindred inaiathf mot mdTant hODes rendodn" m arrlael dies treated and cures effeeted in thousands of unhappy rencteiing marriage caaea that faad been pronounced beyond hope. You may be in the flrst stage, remember _ , _, ...„ , tj nii you are anproaching the last. lf you are borPrivate Dlseases-iilood oi:aJc derinK upon the last and are suffGring all its lilis, Gonorrhoja, Gleet, Stri cture. . Hydroce e effect!, remember that if you obstinately perVancocele Loss of Sexual Power an d a'l dis sist in procrastination, the time must oome seases of the genito-urinary n ons, speedUy when physicians can render you no assistance, and pe,ïmi "L „ nrt " t f 1ÍS L whuenfheJdoor of hope will be closed against OoutotlofraMMoonMettoL la'ke one candid thought before it is too late, parts of the üuited States, A perfect restoration guarantecd. Catarrh Cured. Catarrhal affectionsof Young Men who through ignorance or the nose, throat, lungs and stomach, bronthe careless exuberance of youthful spirits, chitis asthma, eonsumption and dyspepsia, have been unfortunate and flud themselves 8uccessfully treated by the most recent and in dangor of losing their health and embitter8Cientific methods which a vast hospital exing their after lives may, before idiocy, inperience has proved worthy ot confldence. we sanity, falling flts or total impotency resulta, esire no better proof of success than the eall with full confldence. testimoniáis on üle at the instituto, of thouPlles Cured without pain, knlfe or sands of helpless cases that we have restored cautéïy. to health and happmess. Fret Examlnation of the Urine. Each person applying for medical treatment shoum seníobring au ounee of their urine, which will receive a careful Chemical and mioronTflMMfl VN "rtí BM Perfeeted in old cases which have been neglected or unskillf ully treated WOHDEftFUL CURES Noexperimentsor f allures. Parties treated by mail and express.but where poseible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteed. Eg-Cases and correspondente conüdential. Treatment sent C. Ö. D to any nart o 'the U. s. List of 130 questions free, Address with postage, DK. D. O. FKUTH.b Kast Maaison oireci., Chicago, 111. ft