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Railway Horror

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New York, Feb. 21.- An appalling disaster occurred shortly at'ter 7 o'clock yesterday morning in the Fourth avenue tunnel near Eighty fifth street, in which two women and four men met their death, and several other persons were seriously injured. All were employés of the New Yord, New Haven and Hartford railway. The accident was caused by the New Haven accommodation train, which left the Grand Central station at 7:01, crashiug into the shop train, the rear car of which was fllled with car-cleaners and other employés bound for the railroad shops at Mott Haven, and which had left the station five minutes ahead of the New Haven train. The tunnel was filled with a dense fog, owing to which the engineer of the shop train ran under slow headway. In the meantime the New Haven local was speeding along in the rear. Agonizad Cries of the Victima. The engineer of the local was unconscious of any danger ahead until when within twenty feet of the shop train he saw its red lights and at once applied the brakes, but it was too late. The engine had already crashed into the hind end and had telescoped the car containing the unfortunate employés on their way to work. The scène that followed beggars description. Men and women screamed lor help and there were moans from the dying. The passengere on the New Haven, none of whom was injured, rushed pell-mell over each other in the dark tunnel, panicstricken. Following the crash, flames burst from the wreek and clouds of smoke rolled up through the air vent in the tun nel that was almost directly over the scène of the accident. Fearful cries for help were heard by those who were passing in the street overhead. A Woman's 1 rightful Fate. In the meantime firemen had swarmed down into the tunnel and had began their work oL subduing the flames and rescuing the injured. One of the women car cleaners had been struck by the engine and her condition was sufficient evidence to believe that she had been killed instantly. The lamp in the car had exploded and scattered flaming oil orer her clothes and besides being horribly mutüated, her head and body were terribly burued. Out of a broken window of the wrecked car where the engrae of the local had pinned him f ast, hung John Haueke, a car cleaner, crying for help. The firemen as tenderly as possible tried to pull him out. but the efforts caused him such intense pain that he begged to be left where was. When he was gotten out it was f ound that his legg had been partially burned off. He died on the way to the hospital. The List of Unfortunate. """ The following is a correct list of the dead and injured: Dead- John Haueke, Michael Mullane (aged 15), Mrs. Nellie Supple, Mrs. Ellen Fay, John Murray, aged 49, all of this city, and an unknown colored man. Injured - William F. Brown, a brakeman, injured internally; M. M. Culbreth, colored cook, suffering from shock; Engineer Fowler aud Brakeman Linn, slightly hurt.