Council Proceedings

LOFFICIAL.] COüNCiL. Chambbb, Mar. 2, 1891. Regular meeting. Roll cali. Present - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett- 12. Absent- Aid. Spafford. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. To the Common CowvAl: The Board of Public Works would respectfully recommend that the following sidewalks be ordered builf: On the east and west sides of Fifth street from Jefferson to Madison streets. On the east side of Traver street from Brown street north tö Plum street. On the east side of Packard street in front of the property of Mrs. Hallock. By order of the Board. Jas. R. Bach, Clerk. Received and referred to the sidewalk committee. A petition signed by sixteen resident teamsters, asking that an ordinance be passed whereby teamsters shall be licensed. Received and referred to the license committee. A petition signed by twenty-one residents, asking that the Ann Arbor street railway co. extend its lines from Washtenaw avenue east on Geddes avenue to Elm street, south on Elm street to South University avenue and west on South University avenue to State street. Received and referred to the Ann Arbor street railway company. To the Comvion Council: Yourcommittee on Finance would respectfnlly report that they have the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FUND. A A T H. Electric Co., etreet lights. 557 42 a' A T H.Electric Co. Clerk8„'Jan & Feb 4 M Sid W. Millard, warrant books 18 00 J,FOKerty, .repairs - U 50 Hutzel&Co.,supplies... -'90 Miehael Seery, deed 7 0( J.K. Bacb, salary 66 66 T. D. Kearney, salary... S 00 Jacob H. Stark, janitor 00 $692 4S PÓLICE FUND. James Murray, salary 65 00 Clarence Tice, salary 50 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 Paul Schall. special 2 00 G. W. Simmons & Co., supplies 7. 50 $ 174 50 POOR FUND. H. J. Brown, poor orders - 1 50 Bd. Duffy, poor order6 64 John Goetz, Jr , poor orders. 2 48 JobnGoetz & Son, poor orders 8 Ï6 G. Hoefer. poororders 1 08 W. F. Lodholz, poor orders 9 6i W.H. Mclntyre, poor orders.. 5 69 C. Hinsey, poor orders i 42 Rineey & Seabolt, poor orders... 5 80 F. Stein, poor orders 5 Warner & Son. poor orders 6 89 Mrs. Evan8,poór aid 6 00 Miss Shaw, poor aid 3 00 Í 68 18 F1BE DEPARTMENT FUND, William Carroll. salary 40 00 C. A. Edwards, salary - 40 00 L.Hoelzle, salary 40 00 H. McLaren, salary 40 00 F. Oampion, salary.. 40 0 Samuel McLaren, salary - 8 00 Herman Kirn, salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary 8 00 Hobert Koss, salary 8 00 Víctor Schneider, salary 8 00 Jas. Tolbert. lumber 5 34 G. Jedele, hay 10 6e Fred Sipley, salary 60 00 L.Khode.coal 70 Win. Vogel, straw 1 98 Johu Ross, supplies 8 60 Mra.ltearn. washing 4 00 Hiscock & Wood, coal 23 00 Mayer & Co., supplies 80 % 350 08 STREET FUKD. Nelson Sutherland, salary 66 66 Smith Motley, salary 50 00 Morgan U'Iíiien, labor 2 00 W,J. Just. lumber 64 93 Schuh & Muehlig-, supplies 11 94 Chas Kadke, labor 15 75 M. B. Murpliy, labor 22 95 James Tolbort, lumber 4" 11 Christian Eberbach, supplies 2 75 Michael Heary, labor in 52 Doty & Feiner, boxes 5 40 A, D. Seyler, boxes 7 00 O. M. Martin, boxes 2 50 Jacob Hetchen, labor 8 25 August Behnke, labor 1 50 Seybold & Allmendinger, labor 13 25 Johnathan Drake, Labor 18 00 AlbertSteffln, labor 7 50 Albert Marsh, labor 35 75 J. Gage.labor 16 80 Michael Kinne, labor .. 3 00 Chas. Smith, labor 5 26 Chas. Jumper, labor 5 40 Patrick Welch, labor 8 25 Allaby & Son, boxes 30 00 Dean & Co., supplies 70 Samuel Dett, labor 6 00 Henry Browu, labor 60 T. L. Hewett, supplies 56 51 Wm.Nimps, labor 30 18 Albert Glasenapp, labor 6 00 Albert Glasenapp, labor 1 50 Samuel Krause, boxes 1 50 Patriek MoCabe, labor... 16 60 Chris Bonine, labor ... 1 50 Bdward Barnett, labor 150 Alexauder Schloup, labor 10 50 JohnMiller labor 2 Zt Antón Spiers, labor. 150 Miohael Williams, labor 26 70 Elias Sadler, labor . . 11 10 Michael Hession, labor... 25 50 Willis Clark, labor 24 46 $ 660 94 RECAPITULATION. Contingent $ 692 48 Lol'ce ....' 174 60 ?orK 68 18 e Department .... 350 08 street ; 666 94 Total $1,952 18 Respectfully submitted, Christian Martin, W. E. Walker, AV. J. MlLLER, Finance Committee. Aid. Taylor moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the same. Yeas- -Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, Taylor, A. F. Martin, .Hall, Pres. Howlett. Nays - None. SUPPLIMENTARY REPORT. CONTINGENT FCND. A. A. Argus. Printing $ 66 30 b A. Howlett, services 81 10 P. D. Keurney. services... 31 10 (J. H. Mauly, services 19 10 $ 117 eo FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND. M. F. Bailey, oats 17 85 Respectfully submitted. Christian Martin, W. E. Walker, W. J. Miller, Finance Committee. Ald.O'Maramovedthatthesupplementary report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the same. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett. - 12. Nays - None. Third reading, by sections, of an ordinance entitled An Ordinance Relative to Disorderly Houses. Shall this ordinance pass? Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett - 12. Nays - None. The reports of the city clerk, treasurer, marshal and superintendent were received and placed on file. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That C. H. Manly be employed to make a map of the city, with the proposed extensión for use of the committee at Lansing, at a cost not to exceed $10. Yeas - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara Miller, Taylor, A. F. Martin, Hall Pres. Howlett. - 12. Nays - None. By Aid. C. Martin: Resolved, That the several boards of registration meet on Tuesday, March 31, as follows: First ward, at office of Jas. R. Bach. Secondward, at storeof Wm.Herz. Third ward at office of C. H. Manly, in basement of court house. Fourth ward, Engine house. Fifth ward, " Sixth ward, " " Said boards of registration to meet in council room on Wednesday, April 1, for correcting and completing the registration lists and that the several boards be required to give notice of such meeting according to law. Carried. By Aid. Walker: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be instructed to open High street to the proper width and to make such repairs as are necessary to put it in proper condition. Aid. Miller moved that the resolution be referred to the Board of Public Works and street committee and that they bring in estimates of cost. Carried. By Aid. Mann: Whereas, On the 15A day of September, 1890, there was presented to this council a petition purporting to be signed by property owners and residents on Packard street asking this council to authorize the laying of a street railway 011 said Packard street, and Whereas: Said petition was signed by only two residents on said Packard street, one of whom has since made affidavit that her signature to said petition was obtained by misrepresentations and falsehood, and Whereas: Said petition misrepresents the property owners and residents on said Packard street, and Whereas: Said Packard street is but sixty feet wide from fence to fence, and the borders or extensions in said street, authorized by this council are thirty-two feet in width and a street railway track, if laid, will require ten feet more in width of said street, thus leaving but nine feet on each side of said railway, for passage way and gutters, rendering it impossible for a vehicle to stand in front of the property of the residents on said street without totally obstructing travel thereon, and Whereas: At the junction of Packard and Main streets the ground slopes to the south in such a manner that the laying of a street railway track from said Packard street north on Main street will greatly damage said street as a highway, therefore Resolved: That said Street Railway Co. be requested to select some other route for a track from the western terminus of Grove street to the court house, and thus prevent the serious obstruction to travel which would result from laying this track in so narrow a street as Packard street. Aid. O'Mara moved that the resolution be laid upon the table. Yeas - Aid. Martin, Herz, Snow, Valker, O'Mara, Miller, Taylor, Hall, Pres. Howlett - 9. Nays - Aid. Dieterle, Mann, A. F. Vlartin - 3. Council then adjourned. Clerk.
Ann Arbor City Council
Board of Public Works
Ann Arbor Street Railway
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Michael Seery
J. R. Bach
T. D. Kearney
Jacob H. Stark
James Murray
Clarence Tice
David Collins
Paul Schall
H. J. Brown
Edward Duffy
John Goetz
W. F. Lodholz
W. H. McIntyre
William Carroll
C. A. Edwards
L. Hoelzle
H. McLaren
Samuel McLaren
Herman Kirn
Morgan Williams
Robert Ross
Victor Schneider
James Tolbert
Fred Sipley
William Vogel
John Ross
Nelson Sutherland
Smith Motley
Morgan O'Brien
W. J. Just
Charles Radke
M. B. Murphy
Christian Eberbach
Michael Heary
A. D. Seyler
O. M. Martin
Jacob Hetchen
August Behnke
Jonathan Drake
Albert Steffin
Albert Marsh
Michael Kinne
Charles Smith
Charles Jumper
Patrick Welsh
Samuel Dett
Henry Brown
T. L. Hewett
William Nimps