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Drs. Fruth

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No MDay Required of Responsible Partías ti Ooaimenc? Treatanent. Fornierlr of New Yoik. now the celenrated Examininf? Physieimis anti Suraons of the Fruth Medllal and Sindical Institute, Chicago. Hl., b" v nu ■' of many Fnends and l'aüents, have decided to visit AXX Alt non. THUHSDAY, MAECH 12, 1891. ConeultatioQ and Examination iree and strictly oonfidPutto! m private pariors of T3IE! COOK HIOXT3B, ONE DAY ONI.V. ggirx v D. O. FRUTH, A. C. FRUTH, Cetebrated Surgreon. Exam nir rhysician. of thk - Fru+h. Medical and Svrw-ioal Ia.stH"u.te_Permanently established and incorporated under the lav.'s of tlie State of 111., with a capital stock of $100,000. for tlie scientific and successfull treatment of all fórms of Chronic and Sexual Dtseases, Catarri, Astkma, Stomach, Judiry, Bladder, Nervous and Special Dis cas as o: n ai d Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Dlseases positively cured by a Marriacc?. Marrled persons or young neverfailing inethud. A home treatment I men conteinplatinK maniate, aware of physitirely harmless and easily applied. Consultapotenekness. Ks nf proeicntive powers, imtion free and Strietly eonfidential. ily resy. or any otber disqualtfloauon, BpeedDr. Fruth after years of experience has sly restored. períeoted the most inlallible method of curing Vital drain in Urine. Nocturnal losees, Eplleos" or Fits positively cured by Impaired Memory, Weak Back, Melancholy, ournew and n--vor lailiní Hospital treatment. Want of Energy. Premature decline of the Mauly Powers,-those terrible disorders IKidnpy and Bladder Diseases, itiK f rom ruinous practicesof youth, blightitiir Bnght o Dteeaso. I),ab tes and kindred malathe most radiant hopes, renüeringr marriage dies treated una cures effected in thousands of unhappy. oases that had been pronounced beyond hope. Vou may be in the first stape, remember . you are aDproachin the last. lfyouareborPrivate D:seases-I!lood Poison. Syphdering up'on the last and are sufferini? all its IBIS, Gouprrhoea, (loei, trieture, Hydrocele, effects, remember that if you obstinate! y perVaneocele, fctt of sexual Power and all dissistin proemstination, the time mu6t come seaeesol the r. nno-urinary organs, speedily when physicians can render you no assistance, and permanently curpd. No risks incurred. when the door of hope will be closed agaiust Cpnatütatlon aii'l strictly confldentia. you Medicine sent tree lrom observation to all Ta'ke one candid thought before it is too late. P'"'ts of the United States, A perfect restoration guarantecd. ' Catarrh Cured. Catarrhal affections of Young Men who throujrh ifrnorance or the nose, throat. lunirs and stomach, bron the careless exuberance of youthful spirits, cnitis, asthma. eoneumptlon and dyspepsia. have been unfortunate and flnd themselves guooegsf ully treated by the most recent and in danger of losintr their health and embittergcieutiflc methoda which a vast hospital exing their after lives may, before idiocy, inperiencc has provedworthyot confldence. We sanity, laliing fits or total impotency results, desire no better prooi' of success than the cali with full confldence. testimoniáis oti file at the institute, of thouPlles Cured without pain, knife or sands of heipless Clises that we have restored cautery. to health nnd happiness. Free Examinatlon of tne Urine, Each person applyincr for medical treatment should send or bring an ounce of their urine, which will reccive a careful Chemical and rnicrowÍSmÍB M? "rtííM Perfeeted in old cases which have boen neglected or unskillf ully treated. WUUuii UL wUftilÖ No experimenta oríailures. Partiex treated by mail and express.but wbere posaible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteed. ojeases and correspondenee confldential. Treatment sent C. .O D. to any part of the U. 8. List of 130 questions free, Addreas with postage, DR. D. O. FRTJTH, 89 East Madison Street, Chicago, 111.