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Drs. Fruth

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íío Moaey Required of Rsspoiwible Partiss to 0omm3nc3 Formerly of NTow Vork. now the celebnited Examining Physicians and Surgvons of the Fiuth Medidal and Surg-ieal Institute, Chicago. Hl., br requ" of many f riends and Patiënte, have decided tb visit A.NJf AKBOR. TÏÏUHSDAY, MAUCH 12, 1891 Consultation and Examination f ree and strictly confideotial in the private parlors of THIEl COOZ: HOTJSE, ONE DAT ONLT. D. FRUTH, A. C. FRUTH, Celebratecl Surgeon. Examinlngr Physician. OF THE - Fru+ih. Medical and Svrp-ioal lastít-utO.Permanently established and incorporated under the laws of the State of 111., with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successfull treatment of all f o mis of Chronic and Sextcal Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Sotnaci, Kidney, Bladder, Neivous and Special Diseases of Men and Women. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseases positively eured by a Marriagre. Married persons or young never falling method. A home treatment t men contemplating marriage, awareofphysitirely barmlexs and easily applied. Consultapotencknegs, losa of procreative powers iintionfree andStrictly confldcntial. yesy.or any other disqualiftcation, speedDr. Fruth after years of experience has ilyrestored. perfeeted the most lufalllblc raethod of euring Vital draln in Urine. Nocturnal losses, Epllepsy or Fits positively cured by Impaired Memory, Weak Back, Melaneholy, ournew and never failmg Hospital treatment. Want of Energy, Premature decline of the Manly Powers,- those terrible disorders arisKldney and Bladder Diseases, ing f rom ruinous practices of youth, blighting Bright 8 Disease. Diabetes and kindred malatbe most radiant hopes, marriage dies treateü and cures effected Ín thousands oí unhappy. cases tbat liad been pronouuced beyond hope. You may be in the flrst stafe, remember you are approaebiníí the last. IïyouareborPrivate Dlseases-Blood Poison, Syph. derinsf upon the last and are all its illis, Gonorrhcva, dieet, Stricture, Hydrocele, effeets, remembor that if you obstinately perVaricocele, Loss of Sexual Power and all dissistin procrastination, the time must come seases of the frenito-urinary organs, speeihly when physicinns can render you no assistance, and perinanently cured. Ño risks incurred. when the door of hope will be closed against Consultation free and strictiy confidential you. Medicine sent free trom observation to all Take one candid thought before it is too late, parts of the United States, A perfect restoration guarantecd. Catarrh Cured. Catarrhal affections of Young Men who throush ignorance or the nose, throat, lungs aad stomacb, bron thecareless exuberance of youthful spirits, chitis, asthma, consumption and dyspepsia. have been untortunate and flnd themselves suecessfully treated by the most recent and in danger of losinji their Health and embitter8cientinc ethods which a vast hospital exingtheir after Uves may, before idioey, inperience has provedworthy ot confldence. We samty, flts or total impotency results, desire n0 befter proof of success than the cali with full confldence. testimoniáis on file at the instituto, of thou Piles Cured without pain, knife or sands of helpless cases that we have restored cautery. to health and haijpiness. Free Examinatlon of the Urine, Each person applying for medical treatment should send or bring auounee of their urine, which will receive a careful Chemical and mieroBcopical examination. WflVflfi! HIT PTTU P? Perfected in old cases which have been neglected or unskillfully treated. WyilMifti Um WUftM No experimentó orfailures. Parties treated by mail and expresa, but where possible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaraüteed. fc&Case8 and correepondence confldential. Treatment sent C. O. D. to any part of the U. S. List of 130 queations free, Addresa with postage, DB. D. O. FKUTH, 89 East Madlson Street, Chicago, 111.