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Some Facts About Catarrh. BY DR. S. B. HARTMAN. The lining membranes of the nose and throat being most exposed to the air are usually the first to become affected by Catarrh. As soon as the Catarrh becomes seatedeither in the nose or throat it begins slowly to spread to other parts. Numerous passages open into the pharynx or upper throat, and, as they are all lined with the same mucous membrane which line the pharynx, the Catarrh can easily fine its way to any part of the body. It may go upwards into the middle ear and cause deafness, or into the frontal sinuses and cause constant frontal headache. The Catarrh may go downwards through the cesophagus into the stomach and cause dyspepsia, or through the larynx, trachea and bronchial tubes to the lungs, causing hoarseness, loss of voice, chronic cough, bronchitis and consumption. Whatever coirï%e the Catarrh takes the disease remains the same, and a remedy that can be relied on to cure it in one place can also be relied on to cure it in all places. Pe-ru-na seeks out at once the deranged parts and restores the diseased and flabby mucous membrane to health and elasticity. Pe-ru-na is a natural tonic to the capillary blood vessels, which are weakened or destroyed by Catarrh. Here are two cases in which the Catarrh had already reached the middle ear, producing deafness (as it always does) : Mr. Frederick Bierman, of McComb City, Miss., had Chronic Catarrh very badly for many years. The disease finally passed up the eustachian tube into the middle ear, had almost destroyed his hearing. He has been taking Pe-ru-na but for a short time, and his Catarrh is very much better, and he hears again as well as any one. Mr. W. D. Spokes, Baton Rouge, La., writes: "I have had Chronic Catarrh very badly, noue in the ears and nearly deaf. I used your Pe-ru-na according to directions, and am now well; can hear the tick of a watch ten feet. Your Pe-ru-na is a wonderful medicine." The following case illustrates the dreadful condition which Chronic Catarrh of throat and head can produce, and the utter failure of the ordinary treatment to bring any relief: Shellsburg, Bedford Co., Pa. Peruna Medicine Co. - I was a sufferer from Catarrh in my head and throat. I doctored with one of the best physicians in our place for that terrible disease, and found no relief. But in 1883 Ilostmy speech, and was not able to do any kind of work for nearly three months. I could neither eat nor sleep. Pe-runa did wonders for me, and now I am in better health than I have been in ten yéars. Yours truly, Isaac Nicodemus. No remedy eau equal Pe-ru-na in cases where the Catarrh has already attacked the lungs, as in the following case: Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, of New Lisbon, Columbiana county, Ohio, says she has suffered with Congestión of the Lungs, Catarrh in the Head, and was troubled with a bad cough. She had tried a number of physicians, but they all failed to cure her. She was induced to try Pe-ru-na, and immediatelya marked change took place. After using Peru-na her cough ceased, and in a short time her other ailments were cured. She is now completely restored to health, and gives all the credit to Pe-ru-na. Hundreds of testimoniáis like the above fnrnish the most positive proof that Pe-ru-na is a radical cure for Catarrh. What Pe-ru-na has done so many times, is doing every day, it will do again. A pamphlet giving full instructions for the cure of Catarrh sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio.