News Of The State

NEWS OF TBE STATE Albert Wnelti was a Bay City citizen wbo loved a Mrg. Leamler, whose busband is serviug a term in prison. But the womau didn't return Waelti's love and the latter shot himself in consequence. . Talking about oue's patiènts isn't good pohcy for any physician, and an Ostego doctor knows it now sinco an Allegan jury gave a lady plaintiff a $1,250 judgment agamst him on a charge of slander. John P. Sanger was injured by obstructions in a Detroit street and has secured a compensatory judgment for$15,000against the city. Mrs. Walker, a Hillsdale widow, was assaulted witd a club and left for dead in her cottage, where she was found by a neighbor twenty-four hours later, nearly frozen. She will probably die. Her assailant has been identified. The Diamond Match octupus bas still an abundance of material in sight upon which to opérate, as, it owns 81,000,000 worth of pine in the Ontonagon regiou, and two sawmills with which to do the whittling process. All sorts of devices are resorted to by the mentally unbalanced to assist 'em in going henee. One of the latest is that of Charles Krupta, of Whitehall, who hung himself with a flour sack, He was 62 years old. Nearly two-thirds of the state university students come from states outside of Michigan, including a few foreign countries. Farmers who are annoyed by Canada thistles, can obtain a treatise on the best methods of extermination by writing to the state agricultural college. A little Ypsilanti girl applied to President Harrison for an office, enclosing a recommend from another little tot regarding her qualifications for the position sought, and both girls were remembered by a valentine from the president. Over 35,009 children of school age do not attend the public schools of Detroit. A trio of Downington huntsmen captured three full-grown bears on a recent expedition near that place. A $30,000 stock company has been organized at Ludington for the manufacture of a vegetable cutter, the invention of a local patentee. Estimated that the fur of the raccoon, mink and muskrat killed in this state, annually, out of season, would be worth $100, 00C more if their slaughter were conflned to the proper months. Dr. John Krehbiel, at one time a Kalamazoo man, devised a new style vestibule car, the patent of which he has just exchanged for $100,000. Montague is the only town in the state with a young man mean enough to desert the two girls he took to a danc, leaving them to drive home alone and pay for the rig. Isaac Wallace, of Sarnia, and John E. Smiley, of Port Huron, have arranged for a wood sawing contest to see who shall take the wood and the state championship. Consolidated Saginaw will continue to have two postoffices, according to the decisión of Postmaster General Wanamaker. A little Sparta girl was unable to steer her coasting sled and, crashing into a fence, was iustantly killed. William P. Wells, a well-known Detroit lawyer and law lecturer ot the state university, died suddenly in the Wayne circuit court room of heart disease. He had just flnished an argument before Judge Reilly, when he sat down and expired. One of the five monster 10-wheel Baldwin locomotives, made expressly for the Port Huron tunnel, has been shipped from Philadelphia. ïhey are of peculiar constructiou, having no tender, the water being carried in tanks placed beside the boiler. Monroe can have a $35,000 binder-twine factory by putting up the necesary bonus, but the twine trust isn't anxious to see the scheme materialize. Marquette's snow shoe factory has had an excelent demand for its wares during the past few months. A Monroe man lost his life by getting beneath a big timber at a recent barn raising. Although there's many a vacant pulpit in this state, Rev. E. C. Ogel, a Holland parson, has gone to the West Indies to take up his ministerial labors. A Diamondale cow thought to increase the butter product by eatiug a bushei of beans, but the Boston experiment was a fatal one to the cow. Mrs. William Nixon, who died at Adrian a few days since, drove an ox team from Lockpcrt, N. Y., to her Michigan home, years. and years ago, when she came west to grow up with the country. The Saginaw detaebment of the Salvation Army numbers anative Turk among its members. Within an hour from the time Mrs. D. W. Kusk left her Battle Creek home to attend her mother's funeral at Ann Arbor, a telegram came announcing the death of her husband in California. Michigan has 7,551 public schools with a seating capacity of 522,496, while there are 654,502 children of school age in the state. Of this number, however, nearly 140,000 do not attend school. Of the 15,990 teachers, 12,429 are ladies. Wol ves are 'so numerous and so hungry in some sections of the state that they attack lumbermen in the woods in broad daylight. Capt. William B. Clinton, the flrst man to run a ferry across the river at Detroit, diedl the past week at Biverside, Cal. Grand Haven people lost. their opportunity of securing a public building at the hands of the late congress, principally because they were unable to pull together in an effort to secure the prize. Two Lansing men engaged in a fight, one of whom was so badly used up that he had to take to his bed, whereupon t'other fellow very considerately went before a local justice, complained of himself and asked to be fined. Measles are holding high carnival in many sections of the state, and in some places the schools have been closed so's to give 'em full swing. Two hungry bears gave chase to a Mackinac county man, and the pursued took refuge in a tree. Although the mercury indicated a zero temperature, the man was held a prisoner for nearly half a day, when his calis for assistance brought a neighbor to the rescue. Dr. Vaughan, the university professor who has been experimenting with the consumption cure, says that it has no virtue as a curative. In a fit of aberration, caused by despondeucy over the death oL his wife. Jairas H. Slayton, a merchant at Tecumseh, Mich., hanged himself.