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Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAUIiT hiivltie ...

Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAUIiT hiivltie ... image
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Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAUIiT hiivltie been made in the eondilionsof acertaln murttrafre, beniing date tho Brst l;iy of lieri-inuer. 1S7:, muilPHiidexecuted by Chrlstian 8anzi and L'hristiiinii Sanzi, his wife. both oí A mi Arbor, Michigan. 10 EmaniclBeck.of the samt place, aau rccordod in [itber 61, pape 572, of Mortgaces, in the Office of the Register of Ueeds tor Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, on the flrst day of December, 1875; on which Mortgage thore is claiined to be due at the díte of this notice the sumof Fourten Hundred and Thirteen Dolars and flfty-flve cents, and no emitor proceedng at law orin equity haviug been instituted 0 recover the same or any purt thereof ; and said Mortgage havlng been dulv assigned by the said Emanuel Deck to John w. Beek and by the said John W.Beck to Christiana Saozi, by deeds of assigncnent duly recorded: Now, therefore, notice is hereby giveu. that on öaturday, March H, 1891, at the south door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, (the said Court House belng the place and building whe re the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is held), by virtue of the power of sale in Bitid Mortgage contained and in pursuance of the statute ín such cases made and irovided; I shall sell at public vendue. to the ïighest bidder, the propeny described in said nortgage, or so rauch thereof as may be nee. essary to pay the principal and interest of said nortgage, tojrether with au attorney's fee of 1 wenty-flve dojlars, as provided for in eaid mortgage, also all costs and expenses of this foreclosure. Said premises are described in said mortgage as "The East twonty (2U) feetin width otf lrom lot number flve (5) in block ïumber two (2) South of Huron street, range number four (4) east, in the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Jlichigan." CHRISTIANA SANZI. D. Cramer, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorney for Assignee. Dated Ann Arbor, December 15, 1890. EEPOET OF THE 00NDITI0N OP THE FUS' & UW W -AT- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, at the close of busines, Octobeu 2nd, 1890. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $2i;,"0S 3 Stocks, bonds, inortgages, etc 75,881 6K Overdrafts. 2,078 ÍS Due from banks in reserve citiea 25,979 11 Due from WashtenawCo 17,5d551 rS'Usin transit ï,18 7 Furniture and flxtures 3,000 00 Curtent expenses and taxes paid 951 52 Interest paid 1,190 26 Checks and cash items 625 9 Nickels and pennies 160 09 Gold 6,538 4 Silver 1,267 TT. S. and National Bank notes 18,133 00 Total $368,917 97 LIADILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 10,000 60 Uudivided profits 6,048 20 Commercial deposita 257,224 17 Savinga deposita 44,797 86 Due to banks and baukera 847 74 Total $368,91? 97 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. ibsI, Frederick H. Belser, Cashier of the abore named bank, do aolemnly awear that tbe above statement ís true to the best of my kno vvledgw and belief. F. H. Belser, Cashier. S ubscribed and sworn to before me this ele vent 1 day of October, 1890. Wm. W. Whedow, Notary Public. Correct- Attest : Chas. E. Gkekne,") JüNIüS E. Be AL, -Direotors. Rkuben Ksmpf, J FORT WAYNE OU CabHcd! Oil Extracted by Pressure. Superior to any otter. BEST Ml IHWI. SALT. LUMP SALT FoiHCoartste1se and Saginawand Fine Barrel SaIt Syracuse. . m ■ Diamond -p. -p. . o ,. Crystal. Fme Dair Salt FOR SALE AT Rogers' - Agricultural - Warehouse 27 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. M November 30, 1890. 5 imw and Northern Railroad. STATIONS. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Howell June... 10:35 i-Al 8:20 Arr. South Lyon.... 10:50 6:17 8:51 Plymouth 11:10 5:42 9;14 Detroit 11:55 6:30 10:05 Leave Howell June. .. 8:50 12:57 6:83 8:04 Arr. Lansing 10:00 2:28 7:40 9:30 Grand Ledge. .. 10:30 3:55 8:12 9:55 Lake Odessa ... 11:10 8:50 '■ Grand Rapids.. 12:10 9:50 Ionia 11:25 3:50 9:15 Greenville 1'22 4:57 10:12 Howard City... 1;00 6:35 10:55 Fast train lea ves Detroit 1:15 p m, Howell 2 :37 p m, arrive at Lansing: 3:24 'pm, Grand Hapifts 6:05 p m. Leave Grand Rapids 6:25 p m, arrire at Lansing 8:18 p m, Howell 9:08 p m, Detroit 10:35 p m. in January 4, 1891, UillG&gO and West Michigan Railwaj, STATIONS. A.M. P.M. P.M, P. M. Leave Grand Rapids.. 9:00 1;00 5:05 8:40 Arr. Holland.. 9:55 1:40 6:00 9:35 Grand Haven.. 10:37 3:44 6:40 10:13 " Muskegon 11:05 4:20 7:10 10:45 A.M. P.M. Leave Grand Rapids 7:25 5:05 Arr. Newaygo... :53 6:32 " WhiteCloud 9:15 6:56 Big Rapids .10:15 8:05 " Baldwin 10:20 8:15 " Ludington vía p.m. F.&P.M. 12:35 10:20 " Manistee via M. &N. E 12:20 10:00 Tra verse City 12:35 10:35 Dail v . Other trains week days only. Parlor Cars on all traius between Detroit and Grand Rapids. Rate, 25c for any distance. Freo Chair cars between Grand Rapids and Manistee. Leave Grand Rapids 5.05 p. m. The "Favorites" between Detroit, Grand Rapids and all points in Western and Northeru MÍChigan" GEO. DKHAZEN, General Passenger Agent.