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All parties owing accounts for the Detroit Free Press and Evening News previous to March ist, are requested to cali and settle at Watts' jewelry store. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. ■pOTTR rooms in exchange for services. No 2 Observatory Street. 19-23 FARM TO RENT- 2JÍ miles trom Saline, for cash, or on shares. 200 acres plow land, good barns, and plenty of them ; water in barn yards and elsewhere ; f encing good. Inquire of A, M. Clark, Ann Arbor, or A. F. Clark, Saline. 19-23 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT .-One hundred acres, north-west of Ann Arbor. Enquire at Abgüs office. LADIES cali from 9 to 11 a. m., and from2 to 5 p. m., for free trial of "Blush of Roses," for beautifying the complexion. 13-23 Mrs A. M. Austin, 4 Unity Block. ÁNN ARBOR NURSERY-Fruit and ornamental trees. Peach and pear a specialty. Grape rinet, berry planta, etc. Price low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. 17OR RENT- Two commodious pleasant flats, with six rooms eaoh in New Block on State strcet. Enquire at No. 18 South State street 6t- tf. NOTTCE- I hereby forbid any one trusting anybody on my account without a wiitten order from me, as ï will be responsible for no debts contracted except by mysell in person, or on a written order, Patrick Boner. PIANO TUNER.- We have secured Mr. T. C. Phelps, an expert piano tuner and repairer, to do our piano wort. He comes to us most highly recommended. Any orders left for him at our store will receive prompt and careful attention. Allmendinger Piano and Organ Co. FOR SALE.- Three and a half lots and house, No. 25 N. Ashley street. House ten rooms, cistern, water works, barn.allingood repair. Lots sold separately ïf desired. Lower lots $250. Lot with house. A decided bargain. Enquire of F. J . Schleede, State st., or 25 N. Ashley st.