Sale Of A Church

On Saturday last a deed was recorded in our registrar's office conveying the Gillet M. E. Church, in Sharon, to Jesse P. Gillet, now of Marshall, in this state. The deed was given by Rev. A. H. Gillet, of Cincinnatti, Ohio ; A. F. Gillet, of North Dakota, and Mrs. Ella Foster, of Manistee, Mich., children of Rev. John K. Gillet, late of the Michigan conference. It appears that Amasa Gillet bought the land on which his church stands in 1831, and selected this spot on which to build an M. E. church. It was about fifteen years afterwards, however, before the church was built, but the eider Gillet lived some years to enjoy (to him) this sacred spot. In the divisiĆ³n of the Amasa Gillet property, the land on which the church stood was allotted to one of the sons, Rev. J. K., and in subsequent transfers this church lot was reserved. The church society never had a deed, and as the society has dissolved and no services held, it has been taken possession of by the righiful owners, and everyone in the neighborhood is satisfied. The church stands in the midst of a group of the original aurr oaks, and the ground there has never been plowed. Ex-County Clerk John J. Robison remembers seeing Amasa Gillet smoking his sipe in the shade of these trees many a time while the church was buildng-